Monthly Archives: October, 2020

Education And Other Reforms For ‘On The March’ Sarawak

There's greater sense of leadership in Sarawak, based on unity and political will, for Reforms after the havoc caused by the pandemic! Commentary And Analysis . . . Sarawak, having newly found itself since the havoc caused by the pandemic, stands poised for long overdue reforms in education and other areas in Malaysia. There's unity and political will for Sarawak's Way Forward in Malaysia, with or...

Najib Razak Trials – Time to End the Legal Ordeal

As Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor continue to face multiple court proceedings, many question whether the prolonged legal battles serve justice or represent a form of public punishment. With Najib's defamation suit against Tommy Thomas also commencing last week, his supporters ask if it's time to stop putting the former first family on trial. KUALA LUMPUR - As former Prime Minister...

PRN Sabah – Ada Pengkhianatan Terhadap UMNO?

Oleh Pemerhati Tegar Penulis menelusuri kronologi politik selepas kejatuhan UMNO dalam PRU14. Tulisan ini merupakan suatu analisis bersandarkan maklumat dalaman. Dalam pemerhatian penulis, Presiden UMNO terlalu...

COVID-19 – A Threat For Some, Opportunity For Others?

By Dominic O'Sullivan I started to write this during the first weeks of the lockdown, and I have decided not to update the tense as...