Monthly Archives: July, 2021

1MDB Siphoning By Shahrol and Cohorts, Not Najib, Senior Cop Testifies

In a significant turn of events, Senior Assistant Commissioner Rajagopal a/l Ramadass has identified four individuals responsible for siphoning off USD 1.367 billion from 1MDB, clearing former Prime Minister Najib of the charges leveled against him.

Malaysia’s YIM At The Forefront Of Innovation, Recognised Globally

Malaysia is emerging as a leader in innovation, earning recognition from international organizations and countries around the world. The Malaysian Innovation Foundation, or Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia is a key player in this success, fostering innovation and addressing social challenges through local technology and innovative solutions. In an interview during a media get-together recently, the CEO of YIM, Dr Sharmila Mohamed Salleh, shares insights into the foundation's role, achievements, future plans and its functions in the innovation ecosystem.

Kongres Maya terbesar di dunia, ESTCON2020 secara rasmi melabuhkan tirainya

Kongres maya terbesar di dunia, World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (ESTCON) 2020, secara rasminya telah melabuhkan tirai pada 15 Julai diakhiri dengan  ucapan...

World’s Largest Virtual Congress From Malaysia Concludes On High Note

The world’s largest congress, the World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress (ESTCON) 2020, officially concluded today with a virtual closing ceremony by Datuk Ir...

Noraini Merasmikan Kongres Maya Terbesar Di Dunia ESTCON2020 anjuran UTP

Keadaan dunia yang tidak menentu dan kompleks serta wabak Covid-19 telah memberikan cabaran yang belum pernah terjadi sebelum ini, kata Menteri Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia,...

Flashback and Fast-Forward – Where Is Malaysia Heading To?

January 2020 - The Coronavirus pandemic hit Malaysian shores when the then Pakatan Harapan (PH) government let the tourists from Wuhan into the country....

Noraini Officiates UTP’s World Largest Virtual Congress

The world that we currently live in has been uncertain and complex and, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought along unprecedented challenges, the Malaysian Minister...

UTP To Host World’s Largest Congress Virtually

Answering the call to encourage more online activities in line with the new normal mindset, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) is hosting a three-day congress...

Nancy Shukri: Dari Ngo Ke Arena Politik

New Malaysia Herald pada kali ini membawakan kepada pembaca temuramah penulis kami, Emma Harith dengan Menteri Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya Malaysia (MOTAC) Dato’ Sri...