Tag: Decree

Adendum: Walaupun Ada Ancaman Sekatan Bersuara, Rakyat Terus Berbunyi

Ancaman perintah sekatan bersuara terhadap Adendum Diraja yang diarahkan oleh hakim untuk kerajaan memohon secara rasmi pada hari Isnin, 20 Januari, telah mencetuskan perdebatan meluas. Pelbagai kiriman sarkastik telah membanjiri media sosial, dengan sesetengah melihatnya sebagai penjelasan prerogatif diraja, ada yang berkata mengenai sekatan hak bersuara, manakala yang lain melihatnya sebagai ancaman kepada kebebasan kehakiman.

Addendum: Despite Gag Order Threat, The People Continue To Speak Up

The laughable threat of a gag order on the Royal Addendum, which the judge has directed the government to formally apply for by Monday, 20 January, has sparked widespread debate. Memes and sarcastic posts have flooded social media, with some viewing it as a clarification of the royal prerogative, while others see it as a potential threat to judicial independence.

Najib Judicial Review On House Arrest To Take Centrestage

Former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has proven, based on strong circumstantial evidence, that Agong's Decree on House Arrest exists and that he merits benefit of the doubt on the matter!

Najib Longer Spell In Jail After Agong Decree For Freedom

Under the original 12 year jail sentence imposed by the High Court on the disputed RM42m SRC International conviction, former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak would be free on 23 August 2026, however by Agong's allegedly flawed Decree -- unsafe in law -- he may be freed, as per letter from Pardons' Board, only on 23 August 2028!

Ex-PM Najib Gets Paid Big Time For Jail Since Aug 2022

UN Review on arbitrary detention can only be based on fact-finding that former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was jailed, unrepresented, and that conviction on the RM42m SRC International case wasn't perfected in law for perfection in law. There's case for compensation!

Najib Debate Dare On Freedom Bid Puts All In Tough Spot

BN (Barisan Nasional) and PH (Pakatan Harapan) remain strange bedfellows, the latter involved in Trial by Media which put former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in jail after Debate with Anwar Ibrahim!

Najib Not Out Of Options In Bid For Freedom

Former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak while not receiving the result he wanted from the Pardons Board, is not out of options - yet....

Agong Decree On Halving Najib Sentence No Pardon

Agong could have granted Najib release by Decree, from arbitrary detention, based on miscarriage of justice arising from Tainted Ruling in the High Court on 28 July 2020, but the latest statement from the Pardon Board has created more discord

Najib Potential Release From Prison Explained

The imminent release of former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak from arbitrary jail blows hot and cold in the media, and has gone viral in the social media, and all walks of life in Malaysia and abroad!

Malaysia Risks Real Harm If Najib Isn’t Set Free Soon

Former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's family can file habeas corpus application and/or lodge Petition with Conference of Rulers following Appeal with Agong on miscarriage of justice and thereby help Malaysia avoid real harm!