The US presidential election results may surprise you or, as with this writer, not. But what made Americans go back to Trump, that orange guy who had a shot at one term and did badly enough to not get second term?
English, Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Malaysia, Definition of Malay by 'form of identity', and redundant clauses in the Constitution, must be depoliticised once and for all!
Rain Town is everything that you expect from what could be a slow-burning drama, as it takes regular family tension to another height thanks to powerful performances by the leads in this satisfying, taut storytelling by Tunku Mona Riza.
Amidst cashier-ringing blockbuster films, audiences yearn for flicks that touch the heart, mind and soul. Filmmaker Tunku Mona Riza has been travelling that route, with rounds of success, especially with the critically acclaimed Redha in the film festival circuits around the world.