Monthly Archives: May, 2019

Sabah And Sarawak NGO See Malaysia Form Of New Humiliation After British Borneo

The people in Sabah and Sarawak want secularism upheld as they pursue Borneo Rights for Independence!

RYTHM Foundation Spurs On With Education Growth For Marginalised Groups

In a world where corporates pay lip service when it comes to community development, it is heartening to note that there are still organisations that walk the talk. RYTHM Foundation is apparently one of them.

Unprecedented media blackout at DAP’s 2019 national conference

DAP held its national conference yesterday for the first time in history as a ruling party, but there was a surprising lack of excitement. According to party...

Kit Siang! Stop Your Bollocks

Credit must be given to Kit Siang for being the most prolific critic of the government, rightly or wrongly. But since he has become...

Save my Malaysia, please

By Hasnah AR What was the biggest reason for the then opposition to want to overthrow the Barisan Nasional (BN) government? Just because of corruption?...

Kit Siang returns with the same old 1MDB tune

DAP permanent supremo Lim Kit Siang is back after missing in action for so long and singing the same old tune of 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad). The...

Another Pakatan’s lie exposed

Another day of hearing at the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Thursday (May 2, 2019), another Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) long-standing lie on former Prime Minister Datuk...