SRC: Why Are The Arguments By The Prosecutors So Weird?

Law in Malaysia never the same again after Najib cases.

It is also as baffling as the fact that Zeti had threatened to resign as the Central Bank governor if the application by her husband’s company for a project in Sabah/Sarawak is not approved by the Ministry of Finance at that time.

Today the headlines from some of the mainstream media pertaining to the SRC trial screamed:

Najib fails in his final bid to adduce fresh evidence in SRC appeal!

Federal Court dismisses Najib’s appeal to adduce evidence in SRC International case!

Court denies Najib’s bid to include evidence on Zeti, 1MDB in SRC International appeal!

Surprisingly, however, the Federal Court’s decision to disallow Najib’s defence team to present the fresh evidence comes in the wake of some really weird arguments presented by the prosecutors yesterday which is as baffling as the fact that Zeti Akhtar Aziz, the former Central Bank governor, the custodian of the country’s coffers, is unaware that her husband’s company in Singapore received funds from Jho Low/1MDB.

It is also as baffling as the fact that Zeti had threatened to resign as the Central Bank governor if the application by her husband’s company for a project in Sabah/Sarawak is not approved by the Ministry of Finance at that time. This was disclosed by a former officer of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Saiful Bahari Baharom, who disclosed in a Facebook post that the threat was made to him at the Dewan Rakyat lobby of the Parliament Building.

“Zeti, sue me if what I wrote is not true. The file in MOF is there as evidence,” Saiful added.

According to another social media content writer, Lim Sian See, who wrote in his Facebook post that some of the prosecutors’ arguments, in their bid to deny the issue of Zeti’s family receiving RM700mil to be admitted as evidence in the SRC case, were as weird as they come.

Before SRC Was Established?

The arguments were as follows:

  1. Zeti’s family received money from Jho Low before SRC was established. And this has no relevance to the SRC case.

Well, nobody said Zeti’s family took SRC money, but that they took money from Jho Low, which would then raise a reasonable doubt that Zeti may have deliberately wrongly advised Najib to open an account in his own name instead of receiving the donations in UMNO account.

Or that she could have been motivated to not do her job as instructed by Najib to ensure no suspicious money was deposited into Najib’s account.

In any case, Zeti’s husband was listed as a shareholder of ADKMIC which received US$153mil from Good Star between June 2011 to September 2013 which is AFTER SRC was established.

(The admission by the prosecutors this time that Zeti’s family received money is very different from the last trial where they outright dismissed this due to “no evidence”.)

Confirmation That Zeti’s Family Took Money

  1. Zeti was offered as a witness to the defence but she was not called.

The SRC trial conclusion was in year 2019 before sentencing in July 2020. Najib only knew that Zeti’s family received money from Jho Low in late 2020.

So why should the defence call Zeti then without this knowledge when she could be a hostile witness at that time?

  1. Najib’s lawyers waited until very late to file to adduce the evidence in early December 2021 – days before the appeals court was set to deliver its verdict.

Hello.. it was only on 19 November 2021 when MACC issued that statement which marked the first official confirmation from the authorities that Zeti’s family took money.

Before this, Najib had filed numerous times in early March and April 2020 to ask prosecutors for evidence of Zeti’s family taking money before the Court of Appeal hearings started. At that time, the prosecutors claimed they have no knowledge.

Now, we must really ask why the prosecutors are working so hard to block this new evidence to be admitted in the trial until the prosecutors had to come up with such lame and inaccurate arguments?

Shouldn’t you all also want to know the truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth, Lim asked. – New Malaysia Herald

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Hasnah Rahman
Datin Hasnah is the co-founder and CEO of New Malaysia Herald based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With an extensive background in mass communication and journalism, she works on building up New Malaysia Herald and it's partner sites. A tireless and passionate evangalist, she champions autism studies and support groups. Datin Hasnah is also the Editor in Chief of New Malaysia Herald.