The Najib Brotherhood Which Began 35 Years Ago

The brotherhood that has withstood the test of time - Kelab Sahabat Najib '87

While there are those who only support leaders when they are in power, the loyalty of Najib Brotherhood of ’87 has withstood the test of time

It was meant to be a networking Hari Raya gathering among members of Kelab Sahabat Najib ’87, a brotherhood comprising former UMNO Youth leaders that were together with their Patron, former prime minister, Najib Razak since 1987. That’s almost 35 years and still going strong. They have withstood the test of time and remained together during good and bad times. The spirit of brotherhood has grown over the years from the youth days in the 80s to the days of power when Najib became Prime Minister, Zahid Hamidi was Deputy Prime Minister and many other former youth leaders occupying cabinet seats. That’s how powerful the NAJIB BROTHERHOOD is, and always will be.

The Raya gathering, however, turned into an event to pledge their support and loyalty for the three Umno leaders – Najib, Zahid and sitting Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri, as the group is aware that all guns are now pointing at the three leaders as Umno is gearing up in full force for the forthcoming GE15.

Both Najib and wife Rosmah Mansor attended the Hari Raya event organised by Kelab Sahabat Najib 87 Seen here one of Rosmahs aides is putting on the Clubs pin on her dress NMH file pic

Umno 35 Years Ago

In the good old days there was only one dominant Malay political party, that is UMNO … no other party could challenge UMNO in the Malay world. PAS only existed in the backwater east coast state of Kelantan.

All the well known Malay leaders originated from UMNO: Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin Yassin,Tengku Razaleigh, Anwar Ibrahim, Najib and Zahid were all UMNO leaders.


Anwar formed PKR, Mahathir formed BERSATU, Muhyiddin took over BERSATU, so Mahathir then formed PEJUANG and so the Malays were torn asunder by their own political leaders. The Malays are now so divided politically compared to the other races in Malaysia. They have lost the political hegemony in the Malay heartland. The islamic teachings of fostering brotherhood amongst muslims have been thrown aside. Its GONE WITH THE WIND, BUT THE NAJIB BROTHERHOOD REMAINS AS A SHINING EXAMPLE OF LOYALTY IN TIMES OF ADVERSITY.

THE CLASS OF 1987 has had enough. They have watched the selective prosecutions by the Pakatan Harapan (PH) gov’t on Najib, Zahid and other Umno leaders. They have watched leaders and supporters of PH being let off the hook by the then Attorney General (AG) Tommy Thomas.


Clearly, it’s too much for Najib to bear the burden of facing three major trials – SRC TRIAL, IMDB TRIAL, AUDIT REPORT TRIAL and the strain and stress of court attendances day in and day out over the last four years.

THE CLASS OF 1987 will request that the charges in respect of IMDB be dropped due to the restitution of IMDB money that is now taking place. Restitution of IMDB money from Goldman Sachs, the sale of superyacht Equanimity, from Singapore, and the IPIC settlement deal. Together with the current assets of IMDB, especially the Sungei Besi Bandar Malaysia land, it’s more likely IMDB will get back its money.


The IMDB case should also be reviewed along the same line. A delegation from the Najib Brotherhood will meet with the prime minister anytime soon declaring their support and a humble request that their pleas be heard. With the General Election looming soon, it’s essential that party unity is maintained and that PM receives all-round support as the BN POSTER BOY. IT’S A TEST FOR ISMAIL SABRI’S LEADERSHIP AT THIS CRITICAL MOMENT.

Malaysia Should Bury 1MDB And Move On

The idea of 1MDB as a sovereign company was mooted by Najib when he became prime minister in 2009. It was a noble move to create a conglomerate that competes in the international market.

The initial investment by the Ministry of Finance was a mere Ringgit One million (RM 1,000,000). With that small capital from the government, 1MDB managed to acquire almost all the Independent Power Producers in the country with a few overseas, the Sungei Besi Land for Projek Bandar Malaysia, develop Project Tun Razak Financial Exchange (TRX)and own a strategic parcel of land in Penang.

IMDB was about to launch its IPO with a view to raise RM 5 Billion from institutional investors and the public.

Alas, continuous attacks by DAP leaders had dampened IMDB’s image, causing the IPO to be aborted.

The rest is history. With PH in power, Dr Mahathir launched a series of attacks on Umno leaders culminating in Najib being charged with various offences related to 1MDB.

Trials relating to IMDB have gone on in New York, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Goldman Sachs began the restitution of IMDB money. We are still waiting for the IPIC settlement deal.

All in all, there is a strong possibility of IMDB getting back most, if not all of its money.

Malaysians are tired of the 1MDB saga. Bloggers and netizens are now casting aspersions on the judiciary. We don’t see the country benefitting from the 1MDB quagmire.

The gov’t should wake up to the daily needs of the people, the concern over rising prices, shortage of chicken, and flash floods in the capital city.

It’s high time we bury the 1MDB saga. The country has to move on to greater heights. The rakyat deserves better days ahead. – New Malaysia Herald

About the writer: Kamarudin Ahmad is a social activist and a lawyer by profession and occasionally writes for the New Malaysia Herald (NMH). The points expressed in this article are that of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the stand of NMH.

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Kamarudin Ahmad