In a significant turn of events, Senior Assistant Commissioner Rajagopal a/l Ramadass has identified four individuals responsible for siphoning off USD 1.367 billion from 1MDB, clearing former Prime Minister Najib of the charges leveled against him.
Malaysia is emerging as a leader in innovation, earning recognition from international organizations and countries around the world. The Malaysian Innovation Foundation, or Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia is a key player in this success, fostering innovation and addressing social challenges through local technology and innovative solutions. In an interview during a media get-together recently, the CEO of YIM, Dr Sharmila Mohamed Salleh, shares insights into the foundation's role, achievements, future plans and its functions in the innovation ecosystem.
Skincare brand e’lioe has introduced a two-step skincare routine designed for individuals with dry, sensitive skin, utilizing 100% natural ingredients like Laurel Berry Oil and Argan Oil. Backed by scientific research, the brand aims to offer an effective, chemical-free solution, now available in Malaysia.
Datuk Seri Najib Razak, pasukan peguam bela, dan para penyokongnya meluahkan rasa kecewa dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang memerintahkan beliau membela diri dalam kes 1MDB. Peguam utama, Tan Sri Shafee Abdullah, mempersoalkan penerimaan bukti hearsay oleh mahkamah dan menyatakan bahawa pasukan pembelaan akan terus berusaha untuk menegakkan hak anak guam mereka.
Former Prime Minister Najib Razak, his legal team, and supporters express disappointment over the High Court’s ruling for him to enter his defense in...
The proposed unrelated law on house arrest may have begun as 'form of rotten politics' with DAP denying that the government was allegedly hiding Agong’s Decree on house arrest for former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak as political detainee!
In a statement read by his eldest son, Datuk Nizar Najib, former Prime Minister Najib Razak asserts that he was deceived by others involved in the 1MDB scandal and was unaware of the illicit activities tied to the controversial fund.
Dalam kenyataan yang dibacakan oleh anak sulungnya, Datuk Nizar Najib, bekas Perdana Menteri Najib Razak menegaskan bahawa beliau telah diperdaya dalam skandal 1MDB dan tidak mengetahui aktiviti haram yang berkaitan dengan dana tersebut.
The WIT APAC Summit 2024 Awards celebrated the achievements of outstanding women, allies, and organisations in technology across nine categories, highlighting their impact on innovation, diversity, and sustainability.
Isu penahanan rumah bekas Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak terus menimbulkan perdebatan tentang prinsip keadilan, kebijaksanaan perlembagaan, dan pengaruh politik dalam undang-undang.
The discussion surrounding former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s house arrest highlights significant legal interpretations, constitutional discretion, and the principle of justice beyond political influence.
There's greater sense of leadership in Sarawak, based on unity and political will, for Reforms after the havoc caused by the pandemic!
Commentary And Analysis...
As Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor continue to face multiple court proceedings, many question whether the prolonged legal battles serve...