
Revolusi Sukan Udara Malaysia Melalui Aplikasi SAMS

Pelancaran SAMS dilihat sebagai satu peristiwa bersejarah dalam ke arah menjadikan Malaysia sebagai hab sukan udara di rantau ini, memberi inspirasi kepada generasi atlet dan peminat sukan udara di masa akan datang agar sukan ini bertambah cemerlang, dari segi penyertaan dan pertandingan di peringkat kebangsaan juga antarabangsa.

Revolutionising Sports Aviation In Malaysia With SAMS Application

Launch of SAMS is seen as a major milestone in the journey towards making Malaysia a hub for sports aviation in the region, inspiring the next generation of athletes and enthusiasts to reach new heights.

Unveiling Uniqueness Concert Puts Different Abilities In The Spotlight

They may lack certain physical attributes, but these are no barriers for them to showcase their abilities when it comes to performing on stage. Hear the inspiring stories from four truly special persons at the forthcoming Unveiling Uniqueness Concert

‘Unveiling Uniqueness’ A Platform For Neurodiverse Talents

The pinnacle occasion, Unveiling Uniqueness, celebrates the distinctive quality of each individual and offers them a platform to showcase their diverse gifting and abilities, a testament to their capabilities and an affirmation of their unique talents.

Multi-tasking Fallacy: Why We Are Not Wired To Multi-Task

Multi-tasking ability is something great to be bragged about. Is it a near-super heroic trait or just about being a jack of all trades and a master of none.

3 Body Problem Is A Must-Watch Streaming

Once in a while, a really great science fiction show that comes along that really stands out form the rest. Such is 3 Body...

Take A Stroll Through A Majestic Redwood Forest That’s 90 Minutes Away From Melbourne

Drive east of Warburton and feel both humbled and spellbound by the towering natural wonders of Cement Creek Redwood Forest. You don’t need to fly...

Matthew Perry Laid To Rest In LA, Mourned By Friends

Actor Matthew Perry, who died on 28 October at age 54, was laid to rest on Friday at a Los Angeles cemetery in a service attended by relatives and castmates from the hit 1990s television sitcom Friends, show business media reported, citing photographs.

Agony and Ecstacy: The Celluloid Warfare between Art And Commerce

Tamil film director Agathiyan dropped by for a talk, discussing his experience, the agony of working in that industry, not only in India but...

Crystalising Rock: Age Of The Gallant Axe-Grinders

The recent awarding of Datuk-ship to Amy Search had the writer wondering about the new-found respect for rockers which, hopefully, would help herald the...

In Run-Up To GE15, Politicians Turn To TikTok

The short-form video sharing app, TikTok, is the most downloaded app early this year, making politicians scramble to get on the bandwagon Some five years ago...

Senthozhan Sengkathirvaanan: The Daze, The Deranged And The Dame

A Malaysian Tamil flick taking on the psychological thriller bull by the horn, underwhelming at parts, saved by the lead actress’ conviction and energetic...