Tag: 1MDB-Tanore

1MDB Diperintah Bayar RM225,000 Kos Guaman Kepada Riza Aziz

Pertempuran undang-undang 1MDB berakhir dengan kos guaman yang signifikan diberikan kepada Riza Aziz selepas perbicaraan panjang yang menonjolkan litigasi yang tidak perlu dan perbelanjaan dana awam yang besar.

1MDB Ordered To Pay RM225,000 In Legal Costs To Riza Aziz After Long Court Battle

The 1MDB legal battle concludes with significant costs awarded to Riza Aziz after a lengthy trial highlights unnecessary litigation and substantial public fund expenditure.

As Najib Trial Nears Verdict, Severely Flawed Investigation Takes Focus

Defence lawyers for Datuk Seri Najib Razak criticised the prosecution’s hasty investigation in the 1MDB trial, arguing that unreliable witnesses and a misunderstanding of...

1MDB – Testimonies By Witnesses Were Pure Hearsay And Should Not Be Accepted

The defence argues that the witness testimonies in the 1MDB-Tanore trial were filled with "terrible hearsay" and therefore should not be taken into account...

1MDB – Acquisition Of Tanjung Energy Was Never Najib’s Idea

The Board of Directors of 1MDB passed a resolution to acquire TEHSB before seeking Najib’s approval as representative of MOF Inc, the sole shareholder...

To Pardon Or Not To Pardon? That’s The Question

The Agong is busy with his farewell events. Apart from the anticipation of Najib's pardon, there's that dwindling rumour of a new PM in Hishamuddin. Whatever the case may be, as the tenure of Tunku Abdullah as Agong draws to a close, is anything unexpected likely to happen, asks blogger Salahuddin Hisham 

Shafee To File Contempt Proceedings Against Certain Media

Some of the recent media reports on the ongoing 1MDB-Tanore trial are lopsided and biased, Shafee said

A Judge Does Not Need 10 Reasons To Recuse Himself, Just 1 – And It’s A Biggie!

Important to note that the impartiality and integrity of the judicial system are paramount to ensuring justice is served and one essential aspect of...