Tag: Attorney-General

Revolusi Sukan Udara Malaysia Melalui Aplikasi SAMS

Pelancaran SAMS dilihat sebagai satu peristiwa bersejarah dalam ke arah menjadikan Malaysia sebagai hab sukan udara di rantau ini, memberi inspirasi kepada generasi atlet dan peminat sukan udara di masa akan datang agar sukan ini bertambah cemerlang, dari segi penyertaan dan pertandingan di peringkat kebangsaan juga antarabangsa.

Revolutionising Sports Aviation In Malaysia With SAMS Application

Launch of SAMS is seen as a major milestone in the journey towards making Malaysia a hub for sports aviation in the region, inspiring the next generation of athletes and enthusiasts to reach new heights.

Ex-PM Najib Gets Paid Big Time For Jail Since Aug 2022

UN Review on arbitrary detention can only be based on fact-finding that former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was jailed, unrepresented, and that conviction on the RM42m SRC International case wasn't perfected in law for perfection in law. There's case for compensation!

DNAA For Najib Letter Of Representation On RM27m SRC Case

There's real risk that former Attorney General Tommy Thomas would be dragged to justice if abuse of power, under Article 145, can be proven in the RM27m SRC case, either before or after Najib Razak was granted DNAA, if not DNA!

Media Should Not ‘Distort’ Court Ruling In Reporting

If media degenerates into sensationalism based on click baits on court cases, the public perceptions built up by the 'false' narrative may mislead the...