Tag: Attorney-General Chambers

1MDB Diperintah Bayar RM225,000 Kos Guaman Kepada Riza Aziz

Pertempuran undang-undang 1MDB berakhir dengan kos guaman yang signifikan diberikan kepada Riza Aziz selepas perbicaraan panjang yang menonjolkan litigasi yang tidak perlu dan perbelanjaan dana awam yang besar.

1MDB Ordered To Pay RM225,000 In Legal Costs To Riza Aziz After Long Court Battle

The 1MDB legal battle concludes with significant costs awarded to Riza Aziz after a lengthy trial highlights unnecessary litigation and substantial public fund expenditure.

AG Tommy Thomas’ Failure To Reform Law Education Affected AGC

AGC bureaucratic approach to law didn't help gov't 'look good' in court. If AG Thomas is somehow punished eventually for his tenure as AG, it...

PM’s Outburst On AG Tommy Thomas Further Clouds Picture On Tenure

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri warned that action will be taken against the former AG (Thomas) for comments in his Memoirs It wasn't immediately clear whether,...

Najib’s Outrage On Tommy Thomas Letter To Sulu Heirs Must Be Viewed Seriously

No court in the world would go against former Attorney General (Thomas) if he chose 'discreet silence'. It's not entirely clear what made then Attorney...

Tommy Thomas Risks Date In Court For ‘Insults’ In Memoirs

COMMENTARY and ANALYSIS by Joe Fernandez: If push comes to shove, and former AG Tommy Thomas is dragged to justice on his Memoirs, he may...

Gopal Sri Ram Should Recuse Himself On Rosmah Mansor Cases

Reading the various news reports on Rosmah Mansor's court application yesterday, I feel compelled to make my comments here. It is clear from the...

The Real Deal Of The Emergency. It Finally Happened!

The "Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance 2021" was gazetted, yesterday, in the Attorney-General Chambers' website "Federal Gazette". Writer Tai Zee Kin shares with us his...