In a dramatic turn at the SRC trial, Najib Razak accused the prosecution of suppressing critical evidence from the US and questioned their failure to pursue the real culprits behind the 1MDB scandal. The defence argued that rushed investigations and dubious witnesses have tainted the case, highlighting Najib's ongoing fight for transparency and justice.
Dalam perkembangan dramatik di perbicaraan SRC, Najib Razak mendakwa pihak pendakwaan telah menyembunyikan bukti penting dari AS dan mempersoalkan kegagalan mereka untuk mengejar dalang sebenar di sebalik skandal 1MDB. Pihak pembelaan berhujah bahawa siasatan yang tergesa-gesa dan saksi yang meragukan telah mencemarkan kes ini, sekali gus menyerlahkan perjuangan berterusan Najib untuk ketelusan dan keadilan.
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I am keen to hear what groups like Human Rights Watch, the Int'l Bar Council and the diplomats based in Kuala Lumpur will have to say about the treatment of this case involving Najib
The world certainly watches in disbelief when these 12 events evolved from the start of the formation of SRC International itself
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