Tag: #crypto

1MDB Diperintah Bayar RM225,000 Kos Guaman Kepada Riza Aziz

Pertempuran undang-undang 1MDB berakhir dengan kos guaman yang signifikan diberikan kepada Riza Aziz selepas perbicaraan panjang yang menonjolkan litigasi yang tidak perlu dan perbelanjaan dana awam yang besar.

1MDB Ordered To Pay RM225,000 In Legal Costs To Riza Aziz After Long Court Battle

The 1MDB legal battle concludes with significant costs awarded to Riza Aziz after a lengthy trial highlights unnecessary litigation and substantial public fund expenditure.

Crypto Market In Fear As Bitcoin Slips Under USD20k

The fall In crypto markets coincides with a slide for equities, as US stocks suffer biggest weekly percentage decline in two years New York -...

NFTs Aren’t Worth The Destruction of The Environment

By Mohamad Taufiq Morshidi A Non-Fungible Token aka NFT is a type of cryptographic token based on blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. However, unlike most cryptocurrencies,...