Ancaman perintah sekatan bersuara terhadap Adendum Diraja yang diarahkan oleh hakim untuk kerajaan memohon secara rasmi pada hari Isnin, 20 Januari, telah mencetuskan perdebatan meluas. Pelbagai kiriman sarkastik telah membanjiri media sosial, dengan sesetengah melihatnya sebagai penjelasan prerogatif diraja, ada yang berkata mengenai sekatan hak bersuara, manakala yang lain melihatnya sebagai ancaman kepada kebebasan kehakiman.
The laughable threat of a gag order on the Royal Addendum, which the judge has directed the government to formally apply for by Monday, 20 January, has sparked widespread debate. Memes and sarcastic posts have flooded social media, with some viewing it as a clarification of the royal prerogative, while others see it as a potential threat to judicial independence.
All other narratives on Najib in the media, social media and court of public perception, remains unmitigated vilification of the former Prime Minister, based not on the rule of law, the basis of the Constitution.
Former 1MDB lawyer Jasmine Loo was first charged in absentia in December 2018 when she was accused of laundering US$5 million and US$999,975, being proceeds of unlawful activity received into the account of River Dee International SA (BVI) in Falcon Private Bank AG in Zurich, but to date the charges have yet to be pursued, giving rise to speculations about a possible deal with the authorities
From the number of statements made by Jasmine Loo during the course of her taking the witness stand, it is obvious that the top level management and certain parties involved with 1MDB would keep former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the dark about some of the dealings and used his name as purportedly giving approval to some of the project developments.
Lessons not learnt . . . The reasons for the 1MDB global financial scandal remain widely known in the public domain but so far there has been very little evidence that Malaysia has taken steps against history repeating itself!
Former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, jailed unrepresented on 23 August 2022, must allow movement on plight in jail -- read remedy -- and not be bogged down in the deadend for no rhyme or reason!
During the 1MDB trial, defence counsel Shafee Abdullah asked Loo why Jho Low's character cannot be generalised when he is obviously a crook of the highest order, but his client's (Najib's) character was heavily generalised and his liberty at stake, Low's is not and he could be on the beach somewhere while Najib is in the dock!
It's highly unlikely that Attorney General (AG) Ahmad Terrirudin Mohd Salleh would be ready for renewed battle with former Prime Minister Najib Razak especially...
Kini tercapai sudah hasrat Mahathir supaya Najib dilabelkan sebagai banduan. Sepatutnya sekarang ini beliau sudah boleh tidur nyenyak kan? Tapi saya fikir tak mungkin,...