Tag: Jordan

Revolusi Sukan Udara Malaysia Melalui Aplikasi SAMS

Pelancaran SAMS dilihat sebagai satu peristiwa bersejarah dalam ke arah menjadikan Malaysia sebagai hab sukan udara di rantau ini, memberi inspirasi kepada generasi atlet dan peminat sukan udara di masa akan datang agar sukan ini bertambah cemerlang, dari segi penyertaan dan pertandingan di peringkat kebangsaan juga antarabangsa.

Revolutionising Sports Aviation In Malaysia With SAMS Application

Launch of SAMS is seen as a major milestone in the journey towards making Malaysia a hub for sports aviation in the region, inspiring the next generation of athletes and enthusiasts to reach new heights.

Amnesty Gives Hamas And Israel Life After Hostages Return

The Israeli Parliament can grant Amnesty for Hamas, thereby avoiding contradiction in terms, i.e. fullscale siege of the Gaza Strip after temporary ceasefire for hostage exchange ends, and Israel shedding more blood!

Will Palestine Be Free – From The River To The Sea

The future in the Biblical Holy Land isn't bound by the past, it's the present here and now that matters, based on the ground realities in Free Palestine!

Anwar Ibrahim’s RM100m From Malaysia For Gaza Merits UN Seal

The rule of law, human rights and international law govern plight of the people in Biblical Holy Land, leaving RM100m grant for the Gaza Strip, as three Attorney General (AG) in Malaysia can confirm for Anwar!

Israel-Hamas Rivers Of Blood Driven By Paranoia

If anything has beginning, it will have end, things may get whole lot worse in the Biblical Holy Land before Israel-Hamas 'eye for an eye' leaves many people blind!

8 Things You Don’t Know About Australia Till You Actually Live There

Disclaimer: This is not an article about being a tourist in Australia. This is a video about things our writer Bob Morshidi discovered about...