Be Patient, For Only The King Can Ask Me To Leave

MACC chief commissioner Azam Baki has been cleared of any wrongdoings by the SC - Harakah Daily pic.

Controversial tainted Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Azam Baki is adamant with his stand not to succumb to external pressures to step down or go on leave pending investigations. 

Local daily Sinar Harian quoted him as saying that he had followed and done all the necessary protocols, and views only the Yang di-Pertuan Agong has the authority to terminate him. 

Azam is embroiled in a controversy involving the purchase of millions of shares in two public-listed companies in 2015. 

“I hope all can be patient first about knowing the truth.

“Only one individual who is most qualified and who can terminate my duties is the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. other than that, I don’t want to bother about whatever demands are championed by any quarters,” he told the daily in an exclusive interview on Tuesday (10 Jan).

While questions have been raised previously over why Azam did not immediately address the allegations regarding the acquisition of the shares when they surfaced last month, Sinar Harian reported him as saying that he had never pleaded with anyone or any party to side with him over the matter and said he would reveal the truth at the right time.

Azam also reportedly said there was no need for him to respond to such matters, as he is not a politician, but a busy civil servant.

“I am not a politician but a senior government officer. There is no need actually for me to inform the public, as later it will appear as if I have no other work to do.”

Azam was also reported as saying that his priority is to provide explanations to the MACC advisory board members regarding this issue and that the ball would be in their court after that.

“If they need to refer to other agencies or committees, I have no problem with that. They can assess this issue,” he was also quoted as saying.

Azam in a news conference on 05 Jan admitted that he had allowed his brother Nasir Baki to use his share trading account to buy the shares in two public-listed companies in 2015 but said he had not committed any wrongdoing and said he had no interest or benefit in those shares.

The Securities Commission (SC) on 06 Jan announced that Azam would be called for questioning over alleged violation of stock trading laws.

Under the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) Act 1991, it is unlawful to allow a third party to utilise one’s share trading account. – New Malaysia Herald

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