Singapore Executes Malaysian Khalwant Singh

This comes after Khalwant loses his final bid to get a stay execution from Singapore’s Court of Appeal

SINGAPORE – A Malaysian on death row in Singapore’s Changi Prison for a drug-related sentence was executed early this morning.

Kalwant Singh 32, was hanged after the Singapore Court of Appeal on Wednesday (06 July) dismissed the final appeal to get a stay on his execution.

His remains will be taken back to Cameron Highlands later today.

Bernama reported that Kalwant’s execution was confirmed by his counsel Too Xing Ji when contacted by the news agency.

“Yes. He has been executed,” he said when contacted.

Kalwant has been on death row in Singapore since he was convicted and handed down the mandatory death penalty on 01 June 2016 for drug trafficking.

His conviction and death sentence were upheld by the Court of Appeal the same year.

According to Too, a wake for Kalwant will be held at 38, Sin Ming Drive later in the afternoon.

Kalwant, who hails from Cameron Highlands, Pahang, was arrested in the republic on 24 Oct 2013 and convicted on charges of possession of 60.15gm of diamorphine and trafficking 120.9gm of the drug.

He had filed a criminal motion to the Court of Appeal for a stay of his execution as well as a review of his conviction and sentence.

His stay application yesterday was heard before Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon; Justice Andrew Phang Boon Leong; and Justice Tay Yong Kwang via the Zoom platform.

Yesterday, a candlelight vigil was held outside the High Commission of Singapore in Malaysia which aimed to protest Singapore’s harsh death penalty.

The execution came not long after another Malaysian, Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam, was executed in Singapore on April 27, for drug trafficking.

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