Armenian And Russian Defence Ministers Meet To Discuss Nagorno-Karabakh Clashes

YEREVAN – The defence ministers of Russia and Armenia met on Tuesday morning and agreed to take steps to stabilise the situation along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, according to Armenia’s defence ministry.

Both Baku and Yerevan blamed each other for the overnight escalation in tensions, the latest flare-up in decades-old hostilities over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Suren Papikyan, Armenia’s defence minister, said he spoke with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, and the two “agreed to take necessary steps to stabilise the situation.”

Russia is a key power broker in the region and an ally of Armenia through the Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organization.

Russia sent thousands of peacekeepers to the region in 2020 as part of a deal to end six weeks of hostilities between the sides which saw Azerbaijan make significant territorial gains. – Reuters

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