The MQA (Malaysian Qualification Agency) won’t stand in the way of subject matter experts on public examination techniques for education reforms!
Commentary and Analysis . . . In Malaysia, although we have curriculum, syllabus, lecturers and tutors coming out of the ears, education including law lacks reforms as in other areas like politics, citizenship and the economy. The case for the silent revolution produces results in education reforms and reforms in other areas.
No one can object if there’s an Idea whose time has come.
The divine attributes in Idea can be seen in the form of reflection, manifestation, and materialisation.
Karma remains neutral.
The Applicant in the link, for example, should have cited special circumstances in the form of mature student status, compensated pass, and the fact that the LLB remains an academic programme that can only be used for teaching law i.e. it does not impart skills for law practice and courtroom skills, and that no one may know law.
In India, for what it’s worth, half the lawyers appearing in court have no LLB.
The MQA (Malaysian Qualification Agency) won’t stand in the way of subject matter experts on public examination techniques. The truth remains stranger than fiction. Again, silent revolution can produce results in education reforms.
Lecturers/tutors in Malaysia who promote memorisation for rote learning should be replaced by subject matter experts in public examination techniques.
These new lecturers/tutors can take the cue from the curriculum/syllabus/texts/topics for lectures/tutorials which will be reflected in the content of assignments, related presentations, quizzes, projects, related presentations, and final examinations.
The content must focus on skills that can be taken away from the workplace. There must be no memorisation. The texts are always there for reference.
The questions for all these testing areas must be prepared by the lecturer/tutor concerned as per MQA and bloom taxonomy and marked accordingly.
The final examination can be invalidated by others.
Students will get at least 80 marks in every area of testing. Otherwise, the lecturer/tutor has failed.
The above approach will reform education effortlessly and without seemingly reforming education.
It will be a silent revolution that produces results.
The following personal testimony can be used as a case study by MQA, the Examinations Syndicate and the Ministry of Education.
Silent Revolution
My students, attending a Foundation course at a local Institute and who couldn’t put even two words together to form a decent sentence, scored A in the “Introduction to Mass Media and Communication” final examination and five earlier testing areas. Their results in other subjects, handled by other lecturers/tutors, were mixed. The A in media, 80 marks to 95 marks, helped the students maintain good CGPA. They acquired writing skills within 12 weeks and became experts in using plagiarism and grammar checkers.
I was given only 20 hours every month, for three months, to prepare the students for media. The Invitation came by WhatsApp from the CEO. He retired by the time I turned up at the institute on Wednesday 3 January 2024. Strangely, we never met, and there was no interview. The CEO said that he had heard a lot about me and read my writing in social media.
The Institute, based on my CV which shows 50 years in media including court reporting, applied for a lifetime Teaching Permit. It was approved for Foundation Studies and Diploma.
Education Reforms
Patently, as in Germany and dirt-poor Sri Lanka among others, education must be made available free for all — including foreigners — from nursery until university including for post-graduate studies. In Germany, foreigners must attend compulsory six months of free tuition in the German language before university. In Malaysia, the compulsory tuition can be in English for local students.
The quota system in Malaysia must be scrapped since the sunset clause in Article 153 expired in 1972 after 15 years.
Article 4 needs amendment so that redundant clauses are automatically dropped without the intervention of Parliament and/or the court of law.
In law, Article 8 in Malaysia, there can be no discrimination save as provided by law i.e. sunset clause.
No one was above the law.
All are equal before the law.
Article 4 Reforms
The Indian diaspora in Malaysia needs no help from the government if Article 4 is amended. Malaysia was the only country in the world where the Indian diaspora asked the government for help. There are 210 countries in the world with people having roots in India.
Article 153 became redundant in 1972 when the 15-year sunset clause, allowing for temporary discrimination, expired.
Other facilitating Articles have also been rendered redundant viz. the Definition of Malay in Article 160(2) as a form of identity; Article 3 (Islam); Article 152 (national language); Order 92, Rule 1, Rules of the High Court 2012 (national language); NEP; and quota system.
The government in liberalising and democratising education, in catering for the lowest common denominator, cannot deny the brightest and best from around the world leading the way for all.
Ironically, UiTM for example takes in foreign students but denies locals. Again in law, Article 8 in Malaysia, there can be no discrimination.
The unity government, being multiracial, can easily restructure the intake at UiTM and thereby allow enrolment by other local students. The cardiothoracic course at UiTM isn’t the issue.
There would be no loss of votes.
Redundant Form Of Identity
Under the Definition of Malay as a “form of identity” in Article 160(2), Muslim habitually speaking Malay — presumably the Johor Rhio Lingga version — and born or domiciled in Singapore or Malaya by Merdeka, 31 August 1957, was Malay by “form of identity”.
Their descendants were also Malay by “form of identity”.
The 20K word Bahasa Melayu — the Johor Rhio Lingga version — was no longer in official use by 1969 when the 40K word Bahasa Malaysia emerged in government, Parliament, court, media and school.
Parliament should visit Article 152 and decide whether where it reads national language, Bahasa Melayu can be read as Bahasa Malaysia although they are not one and the same if based on subject matter expert opinion.
Reforms In National Culture
Culture follows language and goes along with anthropology and history in habitat, Adat, customs, traditions, rituals, and food.
Adat, the 1st law in international law, has force of law like the Constitution. Adat is based on customary practices. It’s about force of law.
National Culture in Malaysia must be based on the Orang Asal in Sabah and Sarawak and the Orang Asli in Malaya.
All others are PasokMomogun i.e. Pasok (resident) in the land of the people (Momogun) who are Orang Asal and Orang Asli.
The Constitution, Parliament, and court of law — colour blind institutions — cannot get into “race”, language, religion, theology, DNA and geographical origin, among others.
Orang Asal (original people) in the former British Borneo and Orang Asli (aboriginal people) in Malaya are those who have NCR (native customary rights) land, ancestral and historical property, under Adat which being based on customary practices, has a force of law just like the Constitution.
NCR land remains protected under Article 13 (property rights), Article 5 (right to life) and Article 8 (no discrimination.
The same Articles protect non-NCR land.
Reforms In Sabah
No court will get into conspiracy theories.
Having said that, lawyer Datuk Fuad Tengku Ahmad in Sabah could only have acted on the instructions of the Client, whether written, verbal or implied.
If lawyer Fuad wasn’t on the same page as the Client, his statement in court can only be disregarded. In that case, he can withdraw from the case.
The public positions taken by various leaders on lawyer Fuad’s two statements in court — 40 per cent revenue reimbursement was aspirational and SLS (Sabah Law Society) was busybody — refer.
SLS should include the names of 10 to 15 ordinary citizens in the judicial review (JR) application. Otherwise, it can’t claim the JR was People’s Application in the form of class action suit.
The PTI (pendatang tanpa izin or illegal immigrants) in the electoral rolls in Sabah remains an area for reform. Another reform area, involving both Sabah and Sarawak, was the Federal government’s alleged non-compliance with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA’63).
Reforms In Politics And Economy
All politics are about restructuring the distribution of power and redistribution of income, revenue, resources and reserves.
Internal colonisation exists when wealth is transferred from those who have no power for those who have power.
Colonialism was outlawed by international law after World War II.
It’s more likely that there would be Parang Ilang Revolution in Sarawak, sooner or later, or civil war, and not secession per se.
Reforms In Security
There’s a bloodbath whenever the rule of law nation-state comes under attack from those indoctrinated by radicalisation.
The rule of law remains a form of great pressure, force, violence, and even genocidal activities as enemies of the state get taken out mercilessly and ruthlessly.
There might be collateral damage.
The enemies of the state, radicalised for decades, should lay down weapons unconditionally and surrender, and not risk consequences by attacking police stations and killing serving personnel.
No one can escape Karma.
If not locked up at the nearest mental institution, the radicals will be forced into exile, never returning even in a coffin, lest their graves become shrines for gullible creatures. — NMH

Longtime Borneo watcher Joe Fernandez has been writing for many years on both sides of the Southeast Asia Sea. He should not be mistaken for a namesake formerly with the Daily Express in Kota Kinabalu. JF keeps a Blog under FernzTheGreat on the nature of human relationships.
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