Tag: DOJ

1MDB Diperintah Bayar RM225,000 Kos Guaman Kepada Riza Aziz

Pertempuran undang-undang 1MDB berakhir dengan kos guaman yang signifikan diberikan kepada Riza Aziz selepas perbicaraan panjang yang menonjolkan litigasi yang tidak perlu dan perbelanjaan dana awam yang besar.

1MDB Ordered To Pay RM225,000 In Legal Costs To Riza Aziz After Long Court Battle

The 1MDB legal battle concludes with significant costs awarded to Riza Aziz after a lengthy trial highlights unnecessary litigation and substantial public fund expenditure.

1MDB: Najib Bukan Sahaja Berdepan Penganiayaan Politik Di Malaysia, Tetapi Juga Oleh Demokrat AS

Dalam perkembangan dramatik di perbicaraan SRC, Najib Razak mendakwa pihak pendakwaan telah menyembunyikan bukti penting dari AS dan mempersoalkan kegagalan mereka untuk mengejar dalang sebenar di sebalik skandal 1MDB. Pihak pembelaan berhujah bahawa siasatan yang tergesa-gesa dan saksi yang meragukan telah mencemarkan kes ini, sekali gus menyerlahkan perjuangan berterusan Najib untuk ketelusan dan keadilan.

1MDB Najib Case ‘Ditched’ After Failing Six Years Blessing Theory

Prosecution did not go beyond unproven belief that former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak gave Blessing -- legal minefield -- for 'wrongdoing' at 1MDB!

The NatWest Boss, The Missing Malaysian Billions And The Damning Email

Rick Haythornthwaite stonewalled investigator on the trail of ‘world’s biggest financial scandal’ On a summer’s day in 2009 on the sparkling waters of the French...

1MDB Lessons Perhaps Still Not Learnt In Malaysia

Lessons not learnt . . . The reasons for the 1MDB global financial scandal remain widely known in the public domain but so far there has been very little evidence that Malaysia has taken steps against history repeating itself!

1MDB: Jasmine Loo Denied Striking A Deal To Have Charges Dropped

When questioned, the former 1MDB director said that she was unaware of the charges against her and has left it to her lawyers to look into it

Are Man On The Run And 1MDB Cases Following The Same Script?

This is surely a case of either life imitating art or art imitating life - more likely the latter - as hidden hands seem...

To Prevent New 1MDB Scandal, Time For RCI Or TRC

The causes for the 1MDB Scandal and/or Phenomenon remain unknown, there are no remedial measures for preventing 1MDB 2.0, 1MDB 3.0, and more!

Najib ‘Wrongly Charged’, Literally ‘Framed’, On RM42m SRC Case

Federal Court Review can quash the conviction of Najib, RM42m political donation may be about income tax evasion, money laundering, not 'abuse of power"!

FBI Seized My Phone, Trump’s Attorney John Eastman Says

Attorney John Eastman claims FBI agents appeared to be executing the warrant “issued at the behest” of the Justice Department WASHINGTON - The FBI seized...

Mahathir Fears Being Dragged To Justice If Anwar Becomes PM

Mahathir and family risk civil action for allegedly money laundering activities In Part 1 we saw that the Agong advised Wan Azizah that she...

Tengku Zafrul: 1MDB Principal Debt Not Paid As It Is Not ‘Time Yet’

Tengku Zafrul explained that the federal government will only begin servicing the principal debt once some of the bonds issued by the sovereign fund...

Najib: Status Kewangan Negara Amat Mencabar Akibat Kegagalan PH/PN

Negara sedang berdepan dengan keadaan yang cukup mencabar untuk memulihkan semula tabung-tabung dan rizab negara setelah kerosakan sangat teruk ditinggalkan oleh Kerajaan PH dan...