Pertempuran undang-undang 1MDB berakhir dengan kos guaman yang signifikan diberikan kepada Riza Aziz selepas perbicaraan panjang yang menonjolkan litigasi yang tidak perlu dan perbelanjaan dana awam yang besar.
The 1MDB legal battle concludes with significant costs awarded to Riza Aziz after a lengthy trial highlights unnecessary litigation and substantial public fund expenditure.
High-priced homes do not create wealth, Alan Kohler says, they redistribute it. Now financial success is largely a function of geography, not accomplishment
My parents...
Some 1,000 foreign companies halted their activities in the country, potentially impacting up to five million jobs, according to a report by the Yale...
Nothing to suggest recession is in the works, despite slow growth and inflation
WASHINGTON, June 9 (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on...
By Anisah Shukry, Bloomberg
Malaysia’s economic contraction quickened again in the fourth quarter, as a fresh virus wave late in 2020 helped drive the economy to...
The Economics Of Grandmothers As Told By Zam Yahaya
Since the beginning of the MCO in the middle of March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, for the...