In a significant turn of events, Senior Assistant Commissioner Rajagopal a/l Ramadass has identified four individuals responsible for siphoning off USD 1.367 billion from 1MDB, clearing former Prime Minister Najib of the charges leveled against him.
Malaysia is emerging as a leader in innovation, earning recognition from international organizations and countries around the world. The Malaysian Innovation Foundation, or Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia is a key player in this success, fostering innovation and addressing social challenges through local technology and innovative solutions. In an interview during a media get-together recently, the CEO of YIM, Dr Sharmila Mohamed Salleh, shares insights into the foundation's role, achievements, future plans and its functions in the innovation ecosystem.
On 28 March 2024, Malaysia's Inspector-General of Police made a surprise announcement of the capture of an Israeli national in Ampang, raising eyebrows and the question on almost everyone's lips: Is he a Mossad operative?
From obscuring the West’s role in starving Gaza to sensationalised accounts of mass rape by Hamas, journalists are playing the role of propagandists, not...
The Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, may share the same lineage, but they were never strangers to conflicts among themselves. The genocide in Gaza, which we are witnessing in real time, garnered the entire world's attention. Everyone, well, almost everyone is wishing for peace, and among those who went online to express their heartfelt desire, one caught our attention...
More than 100 years since Britain’s controversial pledge, here is everything you need to know about the Balfour Declaration, lifted here from an article by Zena Al Tahhan
Israel has broken SIXTY-TWO United Nations Resolutions over the years with absolutely no consequences. Iraq broke only two and was invaded, occupied, and destroyed...
In law, those who accuse -- read atrocities -- will have opportunity for providing proof in the right and proper forum which can mete out justice for all in the Biblical Holy Land!
Netanyahu and Israel must be dragged before an International War Crimes Tribunal to be convened by the UN at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague
Human rights hold universal values and are a rightful matter of concern for the international community
TOKYO - Japan’s Parliament on Tuesday (01 Feb) adopted...