Tag: immigration

DNAA for Najib, Irwan in RM6.6B IPIC Case, Supporters Relieved

The Kuala Lumpur High Court today decided to discharge without acquittal (DNAA) former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and former Treasury Secretary-General Tan Sri Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah, over charges of criminal breach of trust involving RM6.6 billion of government funds. This decision came after procedural delays and the prosecution’s failure to submit key documents, a ruling that was met with relief from Najib's supporters, who believe the case lacked sufficient grounds.

DNAA Untuk Najib, Irwan Mengenai Kes IPIC RM6.6B, Penyokong Lega

Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini memutuskan untuk melepas tanpa membebaskan (DNAA) bekas Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan bekas Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan Tan Sri Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah, berhubung tuduhan pecah amanah melibatkan RM6.6 bilion dana kerajaan. Keputusan ini dibuat berikutan kelewatan prosedur dan kegagalan pendakwaan untuk menyerahkan dokumen penting, dan disambut dengan kelegaan oleh pihak penyokong Najib, yang percaya bahawa kes ini tidak mempunyai asas yang kukuh.

China Alienates Israel And America On Free Palestine Dream

Israel and India at the same time may draw closer than ever before on the Biblical Holy Land, based purely on the rule of law and bound by common values, as China signals that it can't be with the Jewish state for peace in the Middle East!

Three Attorney General In Malaysia Have ‘Equal Status’

The justice system in Malaysia may be broken as the Narrative on the Attorney General in Putrajaya, Sabah and Sarawak, appears controlled by multiplicity...

Malaysia One Country, Three Immigration Systems, 60 Years Later

Immigration, being Federal, no state in Malaysia can have such power apart from what cannot be exercised by the Prime Minister and Home Minister...

Restrictions On Indonesian Workers To Malaysia To Be Lifted

Indonesia to integrate system with Immigration Dept for the recruitment of workers Indonesia will lift restrictions on the entry of its workers into Malaysia from...

Important immigration changes in Australia in 2019

1. Partner Visa processing will take longer Offshore applicants and sponsors will have to go through stringent process to assess their character and history due...