Dr. Haezreena Begum binti Abdul Hamid, a criminologist and Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya, advocates for viewing terrorism strictly as a criminal act, devoid of religious or ideological connotations. She emphasizes that rehabilitation programs should target the criminal behavior and psychological tendencies of individuals involved in terrorism, ensuring they no longer pose a threat to society. By recognizing terrorism as a crime, we foster a more accurate and just approach to combating this global issue.
Tan Sri Azhar Harun (Art Harun) said that the uniqueness of this case may prompt discussions on legal reforms and the need for more streamlined processes in the Malaysian judicial system to prevent similar situations in the future.
In what is an obvious effort to minimise his error in neglecting to do further due diligence on the investments by SRC, Shahrol said he took things that were proposed to him by Nik Faisal at "face value", including the fact that the latter may be telling former Prime Minister Najib a different story altogether
Lessons not learnt . . . The reasons for the 1MDB global financial scandal remain widely known in the public domain but so far there has been very little evidence that Malaysia has taken steps against history repeating itself!
Former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, jailed unrepresented on 23 August 2022, must allow movement on plight in jail -- read remedy -- and not be bogged down in the deadend for no rhyme or reason!
During the 1MDB trial, defence counsel Shafee Abdullah asked Loo why Jho Low's character cannot be generalised when he is obviously a crook of the highest order, but his client's (Najib's) character was heavily generalised and his liberty at stake, Low's is not and he could be on the beach somewhere while Najib is in the dock!
Ketika disoal siasat, bekas pengarah 1MDB itu berkata bahawa dia tidak mengetahui butir-butir mengenai pertuduhan terhadapnya dan menyerahkan kepada peguamnya untuk menelitinya.
Dalam perbicaraan 1MDB-Tanore...
Despite former Najib Razak being still incarcerated, his scores of supporters who believe in his innocence stand by him as can be seen from their unflinching presence in the courts during his various trials
The star witness of the 1MDB-Tanore Trial, the firm's former legal counsel, Jasmine Loo today admitted that she had gone to parties all over the world and fraternised with celebrities like Leonardo Di Caprio, David Beckham and supermodel Adriana Lima, all purportedly friends of rogue fugitive Jho Low.