Tag: Malaysia

Terrorism Should Not Be Conflated With Religion

Dr. Haezreena Begum binti Abdul Hamid, a criminologist and Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya, advocates for viewing terrorism strictly as a criminal act, devoid of religious or ideological connotations. She emphasizes that rehabilitation programs should target the criminal behavior and psychological tendencies of individuals involved in terrorism, ensuring they no longer pose a threat to society. By recognizing terrorism as a crime, we foster a more accurate and just approach to combating this global issue.

Art Harun: Royal Addendum Issue First Of Its Kind In Commonwealth Countries

Tan Sri Azhar Harun (Art Harun) said that the uniqueness of this case may prompt discussions on legal reforms and the need for more streamlined processes in the Malaysian judicial system to prevent similar situations in the future.

Don’t Malaysians Deserve Better? Say No More!

What do Subang Airport, Air Asia and Economy Rice have in common? The answer is that it has become synonymous to the average Malaysian’s life these days.

Ramadan, Blood Dates and Palestine: Important Issues For Muslims

Ramadhan and kurma, or dates, are synonymous. A must-have appetiser, a sinister shadow hidden behind this delectable fruit is now out in the open, exposing its dark, oppressive secret and systematic exploitation of Palestinian land.

Najib Has Multiple Options On Seeking Remedy

Former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, jailed unrepresented on 23 August 2022, must allow movement on plight in jail -- read remedy -- and not be bogged down in the deadend for no rhyme or reason!

1MDB: Jasmine Loo Nafi Ada Perjanjian Supaya Tuduhan Terhadapnya Digugurkan

Ketika disoal siasat, bekas pengarah 1MDB itu berkata bahawa dia tidak mengetahui butir-butir mengenai pertuduhan terhadapnya dan menyerahkan kepada peguamnya untuk menelitinya. Dalam perbicaraan 1MDB-Tanore...

Fall Of Ringgit Puts Central Bank, Government On Alert

Country 'ready' to intervene after currency (ringgit) hits lowest level since Asian crisis

1MDB: Jasmine Loo Denied Striking A Deal To Have Charges Dropped

When questioned, the former 1MDB director said that she was unaware of the charges against her and has left it to her lawyers to look into it

Najib And The Issue Of Home Detention

Former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, jailed unrepresented on 23 August 2022, may have several options besides house arrest, on ending gridlock on plight in jail!

Circus or Parliament? The Alarming Comedy of Malaysian Politics

In the vibrant tapestry of Malaysian politics, an unsettling pattern has emerged, one that blurs the line between solemn governance and theatrical frivolity. A...

Comments By Isham Jalil Was An Insult To Judiciary Or Right To Free Speech?

While the High Court granted leave for the AG to initiate contempt of court proceeding against Isham Jalil, his lawyer, Tan Sri Azhar argued that his client is entitled to Freedom of Speech

Agong Emerges In True Colours No Holds Barred

The expenditure of the government now comes under Agong, as oversight, and he has also reminded the Speaker that he has full powers on suspending lawmakers who 'monkey' around in Parliament and disrespect the August House!

Anwar For All The Woes On RM Has Plus Points Unlimited

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, like former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, may be in unique position on poverty eradication, and recovering money laundering assets and 'secret profits' as state revenue and thereby help strengthen RM!

NRD Enabling Religious And Racial Discrimination

The Constitution enshrines freedom of conscience and/or religion in Article 3 (religion of the Federation), Article 8 (no discrimination), Article 11 (freedom of religion)...