Tag: Ministry of National Unity

1MDB: Najib Not Only Face Political Persecution Here, But By The US Democrats Too

In a dramatic turn at the SRC trial, Najib Razak accused the prosecution of suppressing critical evidence from the US and questioned their failure to pursue the real culprits behind the 1MDB scandal. The defence argued that rushed investigations and dubious witnesses have tainted the case, highlighting Najib's ongoing fight for transparency and justice.

1MDB: Najib Bukan Sahaja Berdepan Penganiayaan Politik Di Malaysia, Tetapi Juga Oleh Demokrat AS

Dalam perkembangan dramatik di perbicaraan SRC, Najib Razak mendakwa pihak pendakwaan telah menyembunyikan bukti penting dari AS dan mempersoalkan kegagalan mereka untuk mengejar dalang sebenar di sebalik skandal 1MDB. Pihak pembelaan berhujah bahawa siasatan yang tergesa-gesa dan saksi yang meragukan telah mencemarkan kes ini, sekali gus menyerlahkan perjuangan berterusan Najib untuk ketelusan dan keadilan.

2021 Unity Wish Lists That Will Get You Thinking

When we asked Malaysians what do they wish for in 2021, EVERYONE said they want the world to be rid of COVID-19. We want...

These Unity Videos Will Make You Think About Togetherness

In November 2020, a couple of NGOs were challenged to come up with two video ideas for the Ministry of National Unity in conjunction...

Unity Among Children – A Social Experiment

By Bob Morshidi https://youtu.be/mn5-TQ-SjB4 In 2019, one of the schools I was teaching were putting on an adaptation of Disney’s Mulan for its yearly school Drama...

The ABCs Of Unity – Beyond Baby Steps

ABC - Awareness Before Change By Anwardi Jamil I am a child of the 60s. Started my career as a writer in '76. I even...

T4U. Making December Our Unity Month Is The Right Thing To Do

Without a doubt, 2020 has been a most trying and challenging year. With COVID-19 rearing its tentacles everywhere most Malaysians have been confined to...