T4U. Making December Our Unity Month Is The Right Thing To Do

We have always been under one umbrella and when it rains, that umbrella is what we use to shelter us. Let's work on getting back to that mode again.

Without a doubt, 2020 has been a most trying and challenging year. With COVID-19 rearing its tentacles everywhere most Malaysians have been confined to their homes at one time or another, for a long period of time.

There must be a reason why we are confined to our homes, our state, our country. And why we have not opened our borders to allow visitors to enter our country indiscriminately.

Perhaps it is time for us to take a step back and see what we have done to our family, our city and our country.

Have we caused the fabric of our togetherness to be ripped apart? Where each of us are so confined within our shell of race, culture, religion and territory. Where our friendships are confined to the same racial group or where we only sit and eat with friends from the same state.

If we have, then COVID-19 has appeared at the right time. To remind us that we need to be united. We need to go back to the time when we were growing up in our respective kampungs, when our best friends in school were not of the same ethnic group as us. Or to the time when a majority of our office colleagues is from different backgrounds and creed.

Let’s admit it, we are not united as we were before, as projected by the late Yasmin Ahmad’s videos, Datuk Lat’s Kampung Boy cartoons and the 1Malaysia spirit that was so much a part of us. Or even the rallying call by our first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj.

Tunku Abdul Rahman, Bapa Kemerdekaan.

Let us make the last month of this year a united one, where we take stock of our predicament and turn it into an opportunity and a positive outlook for 2021.

At the New Malaysia Herald, we will share stories of yesteryears, of the fight for togetherness, of what we hope to see in 2021 and beyond.

There will be feature stories, videos, competitions and food galore. There will also be interviews with Ministers, with the man in the street and the makcik from the kampung. And there will be competitions where you can win prizes.

No, being confined to work from home will not deter us from moving ahead with this project that is timely and appropriate. We have the support of NGOs like Pertubuhan Pemangkin Ekonomi Melayu (PEM) and BeNAR Malaysia to drive this effort. Not to mention the cooperation of the Ministry of National Unity. We can’t do this alone, it has to be a team effort.

So let us work together for unity, because let’s admit it, we do not have a choice. So make the best of it and face 2021 head on. Positively and together. United we stand, unity in diversity. T4U – Together 4 Unity. – New Malaysia Herald.

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