Tag: Pandemic

1MDB Diperintah Bayar RM225,000 Kos Guaman Kepada Riza Aziz

Pertempuran undang-undang 1MDB berakhir dengan kos guaman yang signifikan diberikan kepada Riza Aziz selepas perbicaraan panjang yang menonjolkan litigasi yang tidak perlu dan perbelanjaan dana awam yang besar.

1MDB Ordered To Pay RM225,000 In Legal Costs To Riza Aziz After Long Court Battle

The 1MDB legal battle concludes with significant costs awarded to Riza Aziz after a lengthy trial highlights unnecessary litigation and substantial public fund expenditure.

Anwar Ibrahim May Find No Acceptance After GE16

Sabah and Sarawak, always against Anwar Ibrahim, would probably find it difficult accepting another Decree by Agong on the prime ministership if the incumbent remains in the saddle!

Anwar Ibrahim Risks Political Suicide On Impossible Wealth

It would be contradiction in terms if Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim seizes accumulated capital, whether impossible wealth or otherwise. He commits political suicide!

New Malaysia Pandemic Avoids Mistakes Of Incompetent Government

American scientist and systems engineer Dr Shiva Ayyadurai finds no proof that the novel Corona virus exists, he has proof that the pandemic was...

Just Deal With It, Folks. Inflation Is Here To Stay

Screaming at the government every day is not going to change our lives and changing the guards too has proven to be disastrous Everyone is...

Muslims Mark Eid Al-Fitr Holiday With Joy, Worry

The war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia have disrupted elements of grain and fertiliser, driving up food prices at a time when inflation was once already raging....

Not The Road Ahead, Nor Behind, But The One Beneath My Feet  – How I Will Live In 2022

"The unhappy person is one who has his ideal, the content of his life, the fullness of his consciousness, the essence of his being, in some manner outside of himself. The unhappy man is always absent from himself, never present to himself. But one can be absent, obviously, either in the past or in the future. This adequately circumscribes the entire territory of the unhappy consciousness." As 2021 comes to a close, Joel Wijesuria reflects on these words, written almost two centuries ago by Søren Kierkegaard. and adds his thoughts on living in the present.

Graduating During A Pandemic. Is There Hope For Job-Seekers?

As Malaysia is still in its third Movement Control Order (MCO) final-year students are facing anxiety over job prospects upon graduation. No longer can...

A Real-Life Journey Into The Autism World And How They Found Their Courage

I have noticed that most children under the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are boys. Occasionally we come across girls who are withdrawn into their...

The Volatile Trend Of The Malaysian Financial Market

By Wan Kamaruzaman Wan Ahmad Never in my 40 years of working experience have I seen a market like what we saw in 2020. Indeed,...

How To Spot The Signs That You Are About To Lose Your Job To A Robot

By June Ramli Disclaimer: Before you start reading this article, this is not a piece to vindicate my previous employer, but instead it's an article...

The US Election & The Strange Case Of Malaysian Voters

Why do people still believe in Tony Pua despite the tons of disproven garbage that he spewed before GE14? Why do people still think...

How To Make Grandma’s Economics Work For Us

The Economics Of Grandmothers As Told By Zam Yahaya Since the beginning of the MCO in the middle of March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic,  for the...