Tag: Russia

Revolusi Sukan Udara Malaysia Melalui Aplikasi SAMS

Pelancaran SAMS dilihat sebagai satu peristiwa bersejarah dalam ke arah menjadikan Malaysia sebagai hab sukan udara di rantau ini, memberi inspirasi kepada generasi atlet dan peminat sukan udara di masa akan datang agar sukan ini bertambah cemerlang, dari segi penyertaan dan pertandingan di peringkat kebangsaan juga antarabangsa.

Revolutionising Sports Aviation In Malaysia With SAMS Application

Launch of SAMS is seen as a major milestone in the journey towards making Malaysia a hub for sports aviation in the region, inspiring the next generation of athletes and enthusiasts to reach new heights.

Malaysian Football – What Now? – Part 1

Our hearts go out to the Malaysian football players who were recently physically attacked by perpetrators whom we hope will be caught and brought to justice soon. Our prayers to the players and their families and hope they recover fast and get back to the game

Gaza: Crimson-Tinted Brands And Their Roles In The Genocide

With ongoing genocide at Gaza, finger pointing goes towards the direction of the culpable leader and his evil soldier. Seeing that there are still eight fingers to point, the commercial brands, boasting popular products which have contributed directly or indirectly to the ethnic cleansing, are now given the aggressive silent treatment.

Sanctions Have Huge Toll On Russian Economy: Report

Some 1,000 foreign companies halted their activities in the country, potentially impacting up to five million jobs, according to a report by the Yale...

Euro Teeters On Brink Of Parity Amid Recession Risks

The single currency fell as low as US$1.0006 (RM4.42) on Monday, the lowest since December 2002 TOKYO ― The euro hovered close to a 20-year...

Russia Attends G20 Meeting Set To Be Dominated By Ukraine Conflict

The summit will see the first face-to-face meeting between President Vladimir Putin's long-serving foreign minister Lavrov and some of Russia's biggest critics since the...

Just Deal With It, Folks. Inflation Is Here To Stay

Screaming at the government every day is not going to change our lives and changing the guards too has proven to be disastrous Everyone is...

Russia Offers Redesigned McDonald’s Restos With Catchy Name, But No Big Mac

McDonald's and other American brands' exit spell new economic landscape for Russia It may resemble McDonald's in appearance and scent, but it is now Vkusno...

Consumers, If United, Can Help Fight Rising Prices

China's Zero Covid-19 Policy contributory factor in rising prices worldwide! PART 1 . . . If there are far too few goods and services in...

In International Law And Jurisprudence, Borders Must Be Defensible

The great river Dneiper, running from north to south, partitions Ukraine in halves. See related article here. Russian President Valdimir Putin is a strong leader...

Brave New World Can Emerge After Dust Settles in Ukraine

Zelensky of Ukraine should avoid American trap, end chaos in country In the wake of push coming to shove, the onus may be on the...

Ukraine Resists Russian Troops In Kyiv As West Sanctions Putin

Russia said the sanctions against Putin and Lavrov were “a demonstration of the complete impotence of the foreign policy” of the West Kyiv - Ukrainian...

Cops Step Up Security At Russian Embassy Following Crisis In Ukraine

Police would boost round-the-clock patrols to ensure the level of security and public order at the embassy was always under control Kuala Lumpur – The...