Ti Lian Ker asks Bersih “Why defend Pakatan?”

Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker today questioned Bersih for clearing Pakatan Harapan campaign bribery incident so quickly based on their explanation alone. 

He said that Bersih should be verifying if the Orang Asli were ferried by bus, provided food and “petrol money” before arriving at a conclusion.

It was unfair for Bersih who claims to be the proponent of “free and fair elections” to simply dismiss an allegation based on a statement alone.

A photograph of a woman in Pakatan Harapan t-shirt has been circulating in social media. DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang claimed that the RM20 was reimbursement for “petrol money”. The incumbent MP Datuk C. Sivarraajh who won the parliamentary seat for GE14 was disqualified when money was given to Orang Asli voters by a third party.

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