Spooked Pakatan Harapan campaigns against Najib

Pakatan Harapan is clearly spooked by Najib Razak’s visit to the Cameron Highlands by-election that it seems to throw it’s entire machinery against him. Almost every speech or “ceramah” is about Najib.

Prime Minister Mahahir Mohammad today likened Najib to “rogue” Israel while addressing Felda settlers at Cameron Highlands. The entire speech was not about what Pakatan Harapan government can do for the people of Cameron Highlands but rather the “evil ways” of Najib along with the previous accusations against him prior to GE14. He also claimed that voters should be ashamed for supporting UMNO.

Another Pakatan Harapan leader, Hanipa questionned why should an ex prime minister come to the campaign grounds.

Anwar Ibrahim too accused of meeting Malaysians without “a care for what he has done” and that 1MDB was “bigger than previously thought” referring to the government investment vehicle 1Malaysia Development Berhad.

Pakatan Harapan’s Cameron Highlands campaign has been filled with problems from start, many of which involved offending the Orang Asli. Just few days ago, Lim Kit Siang in his Twitter post claimed that the Orang Asli (aboriginal Malays) are not “full Malaysians” and offered to make them one should they vote Pakatan Harapan.

The Barisan Nasional machinery has been experiencing steady support being more in touch with the locals with a boost from Najib Razak’s visit. Barisan Nasional’s expected Cameron Highlands win would be a major confidence boost for the coalition.

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