Anwar claims to have evidence that PAS paid off Sarawak Report but won’t show it.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim claims that he has the evidence to show that PAS paid RM1.4 million to settle a lawsuit between Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and Sarawak Report’s Claire Rewcastle-Brown.

He said he was in possession of the bank statements for the amount paid but declined to show it but demanded that anyone disputing should challenge him in court.

In 2016, Sarawak Report claimed that UMNO paid PAS RM90 million to leave Pakatan Rakyat. “As Najib Denies All Over 1MDB, Let’s Not Forget His Many Other Criminal Connections” was published by Sarawak Report on 6th August 2016 suggesting that Hadi received 90 million RM for PAS’s support during the 14th General Election. Claire was unable to provide evidence supporting the claim and the matter was settled out of court. To date Claire Rewcastle-Brown has been unable to share any evidence with regards to the claim.

Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) has since investigated and confirmed that PAS did not receive the said 90m from Najib Razak or 1MDB confirming suspicion of many that Sarawak Report lied.

Pakatan Harapan has been mounting its attacks on PAS in hopes to sever the cooperation and coordinating alliance between UMNO and PAS which saw it deliver the win at the recent Cameron Highlands by election. Analysts have predicted that it is likely to be repeated in Semenyih this weekend.

Anwar playing up the alleged settlement claim confirms that Pakatan Harapan is jittery about the by-election. The coalition has lost significant support from the Malay-Muslims and in the recent months even the die-hard DAP supporters have been moving away due to the inability of the to fulfil election promises. The coalition has also been caught in fake qualification scandal that included Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng and his father Lim Kit Siang.

The Semenyih by-election is highly anticipated win for Barisan Nasional and UMNO that will boost the parties confidence and cooperation. 

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