Clare Rewcastle-Brown implicated in an alleged money laundering scandal.

Clare Rewcasle-Brown is caught in a web of deceit of her own creation. During the Semenyih by-election, the Pakatan Harapan campaign was about the “settlement” of 1.4 million RM that apparently was paid to Clare by Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

In 2016, Sarawak Report claimed that UMNO paid PAS RM90 million to leave Pakatan Rakyat. “As Najib Denies All Over 1MDB, Let’s Not Forget His Many Other Criminal Connections” was published by Sarawak Report on 6th August 2016 suggesting that Hadi received 90 million RM for PAS’s support during the 14th General Election. Clare was unable to provide evidence supporting the claim and the matter was settled out of court. To date Clare Rewcastle-Brown has been unable to share any evidence in regards to the claim.

Hadi had filed the suit in London in 2017 and on August 2, 2017 case management took place and it favoured the PAS president. London Court had also made it clear that in the absence of evidence, the court could not accept that another sovereign state that has good ties and relationship with UK is corrupt. Rewcastle-Brown was ordered to pay Hadi two-thirds of Hadi’s costs with the balance assessed by the courts.

Due to mounting legal costs both parties agreed to settle the case with no cost to each other. Subsequently Clare had claimed the 1.4 million RM was a settlement that was paid to her lawyer Americk Sidhu’s client account. While Hadi had denied making the payment, things started unravelling quickly for Claire.

Clare had produced a letter to Maybank and Bank Negara to release the funds into her UK account claiming the money was from Hadi’s bank account. The bank account number produced in the letter did not exist in Bank Islam. 

Americk Sidhu later claimed that it was a third party that had paid the money “on behalf of Hadi”. That third party has been revealed to be Rameli Musa, an ally of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Would would Clare need to claim that Hadi paid her the money when it was from another party ? Why give a letter to move the funds. 

A police report made by Reggie Jessie from The Third Force, has now turned into a full fledged MACC investigation. Rameli Musa was questioned by MACC for over six hours.

Illegal declaration of funds is a serious offence both in the UK and in Malaysia. In this case the source of funds was purposefully misstated complete with a fake bank account. 

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