Kit Siang! Stop Your Bollocks

Credit must be given to Kit Siang for being the most prolific critic of the government, rightly or wrongly. But since he has become a government backbencher, he has stopped mouthing and this is a let down to the rakyat who have given him their support in the belief that he will continue to do so in good conscience. Despite the fact that his constituency service on the ground is lacking, the rakyat continues to support him wherever he chooses to stand, in the belief that he will continue to speak out. His sudden silence after becoming the government has exposed the real Kit Siang was only playing politics and not discharging his role as a conscientious parliamentarian.

Kit only comes back into the media radar during the Cameron Highlands by-election and lately the Sandakan by-election. It is becoming obvious that he is not the objective and impartial statesman that he have been painting himself to be. It’s all about politics and power . Being selective in speaking out and keeping quiet when there’s a calling for him to speak out tantamount to running away , escaping or pure cowardice.

Issues like the 24,000,000,000 or 24 billion FELDA and Tabung Haji bailout will not escape his attack if BN made that decision. After all, you’re using a huge amount of the rakyat’s money for a selected few, would be his usual lament. Further, the money allegedly used to bailout Tabung Haji included “tainted” or “non-halal” taxes of activities related to gambling , alcohol etc . DAP could have easily put a brake purely on this premise !

Next is the reintroduction of 30% Bumiputra quota , APs and increase of Bumiputra quota in the matriculation issue etc.

DAP and Kit Siang have proclaimed themselves to be the champion of meritocracy. Yet, instead of reducing or doing away with the discrimination as undertaken by DAP, PH government had done otherwise. The educational injustice of the quota system of 90:10 favouring the bumiputera could have easily been undone by a stroke of a pen, but they chose not to.

PH failed to walk the talk of reform and continued to pursue an obviously unfair policy. Malaysia is made up of 60% Bumiputeras, 23% ethnic Chinese and 7% ethnic Indians, with the remainder made up of other races. Obviously, 90:10 is open discrimination.

The recent Cabinet decision to increase the intake of matriculation students from 25,000 to 40,000 is strictly a “No-no”, but DAP has kept unusually quiet.
The academic year begins this month with just 41,573 places in government-funded universities available. Does this mean that those who take STPM will lose out and be redundant since the 40,000 places in public universities will go to these matriculation students first ?

These are issues the Kit Siang of yonder will jump and scream his heart out . After all, he has been the champion of “No Bumiputra Quota” for decades.

To give an excuse that he has decided to keep quiet because of “monstrous” accusations is lame and pathetic. He has not been accused of “blowing up” any victims or murdering prosecutors etc . Stop playing the victim and start acting noble . The Rakyat have chosen you to discharge your parliamentary duties to speak out as a backbencher. Your DAP Ministers have fallen below the mark. You too , Kit Siang? Don’t let the rakyat and the 93% Chinese who voted and believe in you and DAP down. Their hearts are bleeding and in grief and hardship.

Why pick on some caricatures of you sucking up to Mahathir, Bersatu etc . I have called you names such as “You’re Mahathir’s lapdog” and call a spade a spade ; that your roars are now reduced to whimpers ; and questioned your selective silence since August, 2018 . It is not in caricatures or innuendos but expressively in YouTube as well

Why didn’t you jump and show that you roar and bite instead then? Why choose to whimper now because you can conveniently choose some “monstrous” caricatures and play the victim .

Pleaselah “Stop the Bollocks” !

YB Senator Ti Lian Ker, MCA Vice President

The views expressed here are entirely the writer’s own.

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