Tok Mat: Remarks On Najib Must Be Seen In Totality

Tok Mat maintains that his comments were taken out of context

KUALA LUMPUR – Umno Deputy President Mohamad Hasan has insisted that his remarks about former Prime Minister Najib Razak during an interview with the Hong Kong-based news portal Asia Times must be viewed ‘in totality, to give the correct perspective.

In a statement on Friday (08 July), the Rantau state assemblyman who is commonly known as Tok Mat stressed that his remarks should not be viewed in a “piecemeal” way that could lead to an inaccurate interpretation.

“It is essential for me to emphasise that the whole context of the interview is my assertion that every accused deserves to get a fair judgment without any conflict of interest.

“Any pardon under the Malaysian law should only be given when the sentence has been carried out,” said Tok Mat.

He said anything out of context will only paint a negative picture of Najib and him which would become propaganda for the party’s enemies.

“I do not intend to comment further on this and my focus is solely on preparing the party to face the 15th general election,” he said.

On Tuesday (05 July), Asia Times published an article following an interview with Tok Mat, quoting the politician as saying that Najib should be sentenced to imprisonment for his part in the 1MDB scandal.

Tok Mat has since disputed the report, saying his statements were taken out of context. – New Malaysia Herald

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