Throwing the question: Justice Is For Whom, Actually? the Townhall For Justice aims to clear the cobwebs attached to high profile cases, focusing on Najib Razak’s insane charges
KUALA LUMPUR – Various non-governmental organisations and interest groups have stepped up to jointly organise a Townhall for Justice on Sunday to create better understanding and awareness about the various high profile cases in the country, beginning with the charges slapped on former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Among the speakers at the Townhall session are Benar President Dr Ismail Ali, Najib’s counsel Tan Sri Shafee Abdullah, senior lawyer Kamarudin Ahmad, MCA Vice-President Datuk Sri Ti Lian Ker, Makkal Sakthi President Datuk Sri Thanenthiran, UMNO Supreme Council member Isham Jalil as well as academicians from the institutions of higher learning. Moderators include Dr Yusof Aaron Abdullah and Farhan Khairuddin while the host for the event will be Nik Suryani Megat Deraman, a former TV3 news anchor.
Townhall For Justice Roadshow
According to a statement by the organising team, the event is part of a national roadshow planned by them to ensure that the public gets the right picture about these cases. In the case of Najib, and even UMNO President Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the charges are so many and so convoluted that it can be very baffling for the public to comprehend and make sound decisions.
“We have always been inundated with questions, both on the ground and on social media, on these charges, and they also wonder why there are so many (charges),” said Joshua Phua, a senior member of the organising team.
“We think it is time that we facilitate the public to have better understanding of the state of the country’s judiciary at the moment and we have experts in their various fields to share their points of view during the Townhall session.”
One of the panel sessions will be covering the 1Malaysia concept that was propagated during the time of the Najib administration.
What Does 1Malaysia Have To Do with Justice?
Joshua explained that it is time we remind the public that 1Malaysia encapsulated more than just offering financial aid and services to the people.
“It was a holistic programme that not only helped towards developing the socio-economic status of the people, it had strategies to ensure that there is social justice for everyone, especially the marginalised communities,” he added.
Jointly organised by BeNAR Malaysia, Nusa Sejagat Malaysia, Malaysian Youth Activist and UMNO Siswa, members of the public are invited to attend the Townhall session to get their questions on Justice answered.

Those interested can register to attend the Townhall session via or by using the QR code.
Attendance is free, but since seats are limited, early registration will ensure that you get a seat.
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