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Australia & New Zealand

Serial Killers: Do They Exist In Malaysia?

In Malaysia, factors such as strong familial and community ties, religious and cultural prohibitions, lower homicide rates compared to other Southeast Asian countries, and strict firearm regulations are frequently cited as societal deterrents. Perhaps that's why serial killers are few and far between here, writes Dr Haezreena Begum, a Criminologist and Senior Lecturer from Universiti Malaya

1MDB Diperintah Bayar RM225,000 Kos Guaman Kepada Riza Aziz

Pertempuran undang-undang 1MDB berakhir dengan kos guaman yang signifikan diberikan kepada Riza Aziz selepas perbicaraan panjang yang menonjolkan litigasi yang tidak perlu dan perbelanjaan dana awam yang besar.

Journalist Nabil Al-Nashar shares clip of ‘casual racism’

An ABC journalist has called out the “casual racism” he experiences on the job in a new video filmed while working. A video has exposed...

‘Very broken housing system’: More high-income earners stuck in rent trap

More people earning a higher income are caught in a rental trap as house prices soar, unless they have the help of the bank...

The tactics Coles and Woolworths use to maintain their power over Australia’s grocery market

Coles and Woolworths say they're looking out for you – they are the fresh food people or the home of everyday low prices. But this...

The Skinny On Tax Cuts

First published in the MRC’s Watercooler newsletter. The biggest political issue of the first half of 2024 looks set to be a debate around...

Take A Stroll Through A Majestic Redwood Forest That’s 90 Minutes Away From Melbourne

Drive east of Warburton and feel both humbled and spellbound by the towering natural wonders of Cement Creek Redwood Forest. You don’t need to fly...

‘Investor handouts’ making housing crisis worse: report

Amid a historic cost-of-living crisis, Everybody’s Home says the federal government has to scrap tax concessions for investors and build more social housing. A national...

How Albanese could tweak negative gearing to save money and build more new homes

By Peter Martin There are two things the prime minister needs to get into his head about tax. One is that saying he won’t make any...

The Housing Crisis We Didn’t Have To Have, And How To Fix It

Alan Kohler’s Quarterly Essay is a valiant attempt to put the housing crisis into a historical and macroeconomic perspective. He offers solutions, but there are no...

The year the Australian Dream died

At the age of 31, Justin Dowswell never imagined he'd be living in a shared room in his childhood home. He had a full-time, well-paying...

Australia has one of the weakest tax systems for redistribution among industrial nations – the Stage 3 tax cuts will make it worse

One of the chief purposes of government payments and taxes is to redistribute income, which is why tax rates are higher on taxpayers with...

Australia’s ‘deeply unfair’ housing system is in crisis – and our politicians are failing us

“The fact that one of the least populated countries on Earth contains the world’s second most expensive housing is a national calamity, and a...

More than a third of Melburnians have never caught a bus, Infrastructure Victoria wants the network overhauled

Quick read In short: A report has found that Melbourne's bus network needs to be redesigned with more priority lanes and cheaper fares About a third of Melburnians...