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Serial Killers: Do They Exist In Malaysia?

In Malaysia, factors such as strong familial and community ties, religious and cultural prohibitions, lower homicide rates compared to other Southeast Asian countries, and strict firearm regulations are frequently cited as societal deterrents. Perhaps that's why serial killers are few and far between here, writes Dr Haezreena Begum, a Criminologist and Senior Lecturer from Universiti Malaya

1MDB Diperintah Bayar RM225,000 Kos Guaman Kepada Riza Aziz

Pertempuran undang-undang 1MDB berakhir dengan kos guaman yang signifikan diberikan kepada Riza Aziz selepas perbicaraan panjang yang menonjolkan litigasi yang tidak perlu dan perbelanjaan dana awam yang besar.

1MDB Ordered To Pay RM225,000 In Legal Costs To Riza Aziz After Long Court Battle

The 1MDB legal battle concludes with significant costs awarded to Riza Aziz after a lengthy trial highlights unnecessary litigation and substantial public fund expenditure.

1MDB Siphoning By Shahrol and Cohorts, Not Najib, Senior Cop Testifies

In a significant turn of events, Senior Assistant Commissioner Rajagopal a/l Ramadass has identified four individuals responsible for siphoning off USD 1.367 billion from 1MDB, clearing former Prime Minister Najib of the charges leveled against him.

Malaysia’s YIM At The Forefront Of Innovation, Recognised Globally

Malaysia is emerging as a leader in innovation, earning recognition from international organizations and countries around the world. The Malaysian Innovation Foundation, or Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia is a key player in this success, fostering innovation and addressing social challenges through local technology and innovative solutions. In an interview during a media get-together recently, the CEO of YIM, Dr Sharmila Mohamed Salleh, shares insights into the foundation's role, achievements, future plans and its functions in the innovation ecosystem.

Adendum: Walaupun Ada Ancaman Sekatan Bersuara, Rakyat Terus Berbunyi

Ancaman perintah sekatan bersuara terhadap Adendum Diraja yang diarahkan oleh hakim untuk kerajaan memohon secara rasmi pada hari Isnin, 20 Januari, telah mencetuskan perdebatan meluas. Pelbagai kiriman sarkastik telah membanjiri media sosial, dengan sesetengah melihatnya sebagai penjelasan prerogatif diraja, ada yang berkata mengenai sekatan hak bersuara, manakala yang lain melihatnya sebagai ancaman kepada kebebasan kehakiman.

Addendum: Despite Gag Order Threat, The People Continue To Speak Up

The laughable threat of a gag order on the Royal Addendum, which the judge has directed the government to formally apply for by Monday, 20 January, has sparked widespread debate. Memes and sarcastic posts have flooded social media, with some viewing it as a clarification of the royal prerogative, while others see it as a potential threat to judicial independence.

Terrorism Should Not Be Conflated With Religion

Dr. Haezreena Begum binti Abdul Hamid, a criminologist and Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya, advocates for viewing terrorism strictly as a criminal act, devoid of religious or ideological connotations. She emphasizes that rehabilitation programs should target the criminal behavior and psychological tendencies of individuals involved in terrorism, ensuring they no longer pose a threat to society. By recognizing terrorism as a crime, we foster a more accurate and just approach to combating this global issue.

Art Harun: Royal Addendum Issue First Of Its Kind In Commonwealth Countries

Tan Sri Azhar Harun (Art Harun) said that the uniqueness of this case may prompt discussions on legal reforms and the need for more streamlined processes in the Malaysian judicial system to prevent similar situations in the future.

Did The AGC Violate The Principle of Subjudice With Today’s Media Statement?

At a time when Malaysians are busy doing their weekend shopping and enjoying their year-end festivities, they were surprised to read a press statement by the Attorney-General Chambers (AGC) issued this afternoon about the issue of Pardon by the King

Adakah AGC Melanggar Prinsip Subjudis Dengan Pengeluaran Kenyataan Media?

Pada hari Sabtu, di mana rakyat Malaysia sibuk membeli-belah pada hujung minggu dan menikmati perayaan akhir tahun, mereka terkejut membaca kenyataan media oleh Pejabat Peguam Negara (AGC) yang dikeluarkan petang ini mengenai isu Pengampunan Di Raja.

Rosmah’s Acquittal: Examining The Legal Basis Of The Charges

Amer Hamzah Arshad, one of the lawyers defending Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, explores the legal arguments behind the recent acquittal on 17 charges of money laundering. The article outlines key legal issues, including the flawed nature of the charges and the lack of identifiable unlawful proceeds.

Pembebasan Rosmah: Mengkaji Asas Undang-Undang Tuduhan

Amer Hamzah Arshad, salah seorang peguam yang mewakili Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, menjelaskan hujah-hujah undang-undang di sebalik pembebasan baru-baru ini daripada 17 tuduhan pengubahan wang haram. Artikel ini menggariskan isu-isu undang-undang utama, termasuk sifat cacat tuduhan dan kekurangan hasil haram yang dapat dikenali.

Rosmah Welcomes Acquittal: ‘Justice Has Prevailed’

In what she sees as a wonderful birthday present for her, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, wife of former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, cautions against "playing around with justice" and says that everyone should be accorded justice and attributes her victory to her lawyers, the judge and her family and supporters who have never stopped praying for her family's well-being.