Special Needs

Serial Killers: Do They Exist In Malaysia?

In Malaysia, factors such as strong familial and community ties, religious and cultural prohibitions, lower homicide rates compared to other Southeast Asian countries, and strict firearm regulations are frequently cited as societal deterrents. Perhaps that's why serial killers are few and far between here, writes Dr Haezreena Begum, a Criminologist and Senior Lecturer from Universiti Malaya

1MDB Diperintah Bayar RM225,000 Kos Guaman Kepada Riza Aziz

Pertempuran undang-undang 1MDB berakhir dengan kos guaman yang signifikan diberikan kepada Riza Aziz selepas perbicaraan panjang yang menonjolkan litigasi yang tidak perlu dan perbelanjaan dana awam yang besar.

Why I Think She Deserves An International Inclusivity Award

There are mothers out there, and then there are mothers who do not share the same genealogy with you. These are people who expound...

Autism Parenting: The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Often, when parents are given a diagnosis of their child’s disabilities, the feeling is of despair or guilt. Some give up after a while....

Life In A Family With Kids On The Autism Spectrum – Part 2

In Part 1, we described some of the more generic symptoms, and here, we share some other symptoms of autism in my children. Unusual Emotional...

Life In A Family With Kids On The Autism Spectrum

As recently as last month I learned that the Autism Society of America was founded in 1965 by research psychologist Bernard Rimland, clinical psychologist...

A Real-Life Journey Into The Autism World And How They Found Their Courage

I have noticed that most children under the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are boys. Occasionally we come across girls who are withdrawn into their...

Autism Parents Can Be Good Members Of Parliament. Agree?

If ever the world needs to look for hardworking, kick-ass Members of Parliament to get the citizens to move it, move it, it should...

Unleashing The Potential Of The Special Needs Via Digital Technology

In my years of being an autism momvocate (mothers of autism offsprings who are involved in autism advocacy), I have always been fascinated by...

What Happens When It Doesn’t Rain But Pours?

Having children nowadays can both be a blessing and a challenge. But what happens if you yourself is just a teen, and you have...

What It Really Feels Like To Be An Autism Parent

Disbelief, fear, anger, worry, heartbroken, regrets - some of the emotions parents of autistic children feel when their child is first diagnosed. And if...

Do Malaysians Really Know What Malaysia Day Is All About?

For many of us, Merdeka Day has been noted as a celebration of our country's independence. A day when we watch the Merdeka Day...

What Happened To Ziqri Two Years Ago? Trauma Lingers

Two years ago on this date, I lived a nightmare any parent would be afraid to have to go through. Let alone a parent...