
Revolusi Sukan Udara Malaysia Melalui Aplikasi SAMS

Pelancaran SAMS dilihat sebagai satu peristiwa bersejarah dalam ke arah menjadikan Malaysia sebagai hab sukan udara di rantau ini, memberi inspirasi kepada generasi atlet dan peminat sukan udara di masa akan datang agar sukan ini bertambah cemerlang, dari segi penyertaan dan pertandingan di peringkat kebangsaan juga antarabangsa.

Revolutionising Sports Aviation In Malaysia With SAMS Application

Launch of SAMS is seen as a major milestone in the journey towards making Malaysia a hub for sports aviation in the region, inspiring the next generation of athletes and enthusiasts to reach new heights.

What Did We Actually Learn During Budget Tabling?

By Zam Yahaya The Malaysian Budget 2021 was tabled on 07 November and was debated until 26 November 2020. During those 19 days, almost the...

Perpaduan Untuk Semua. Disember Adalah Bulan Perpaduan

Tidak dapat dinafikan, tahun 2020 adalah tahun yang paling mencabar. Ancaman COVID-19 membuatkan rakyat Malaysia takut untuk keluar, berkurung di dalam rumah masing-masing sejak...

So What’s The Story Now, Kak Eton?

By Apocryphalist So yesterday we learnt what Kak Eton asked 20 years ago when she arrived fresh from the kampung (read here). Now let us...

What Happens When We Have Elections Big Brother Style?

By Bob Morshidi Disclaimer: Firstly, this article is completely satirical. Secondly, I am not now or have I ever been, a political expert. Unlike the...

When You Want To Save Earth, Start With The Rainforests

By Dominic O'Sullivan You may, or may not, have realised that rainforests are vitally important in the struggle to tackle Climate Change.  If you are...

Is This The Ultimate Crime Against Humanity?

By Dominic O'Sullivan They say that ‘silence is consent’ and, by not standing up for our rights and for urgent change, we allow many self-centred...

How To Get Teachers To Rally Around You And Score!

By Zam Yahaya Just like a lot of other Malaysians after the MCO was relaxed, I got myself prepared for the worst to come when...

What Happens When Election Fever Heats Up During The Hungry Ghost Festival?

A Really Short Story by HANG KASTURI It was the final night of the Hungry Ghost month. The air was dull grey and smelt of...

The Tale of Two Drivers

Cambodians are generally very gentle and soft-spoken, not unlike many of our Malay friends here in Malaysia. Make no mistake, having to endure the...

Najib-Arul Kanda Trial – Nor Salwani Committed Misconduct To Secretly Record Government Meeting Proceedings

By Aathi Shankar A government officer, Nor Salwani Muhammad, had breached civil service rules and professional ethics by secretly recording an audit coordination meeting on...