Lim Guan Eng claims Harapan would be “fresh air” despite party offending Orang Asli

Malaysiakini reports that DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has urged Cameron Highland voters to opt for Pakatan Harapan in the coming by-election so it does not left behind in terms of development.

He claimed that it is for the development of Cameron Highlands after paying visit to Felda Sungai Koyan.

Campaigning for M. Manogaran who recently offended Orang Asli by claiming Malaysia don’t buy their delicacies and has since then refused to apologised.

DAP has also been caught bribing the Orang Asli with “petrol money” with photographs making rounds in social media. 

DAP has been blame shifting the issue to BN despite the Cameron by-election being called after the Election Caught found corrupt practices led to the victory of BN’s C Sivarraajh in GE14.

BN’s Orang Asli candidate Ramli Mohd Nor is seen as a strong choice as the community would be the king maker in the elections.

DAP’s pro developer stance worries many who are concerned with the environmental impact of Cameron Highlands. Penang under DAP has seen uncontrolled development and land sales to developers causing major environmental damage.

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