Najib-SRC Trial: Nik Faisal Forged Suboh’s Signatures On Bank Documents

By Aathi Shankar

KUALA LUMPUR: Former SRC International Sdn Bhd chief executive officer (CEO) and director Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil had scanned and forged Datuk Suboh Yassin’s signatures on letters of transfer instruction pertaining to transactions of money involving the company and several others.

SRC International Sdn Bhd director Suboh testified at the Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s trial today, Monday, July 1, 2019, that Nik Faisal had scanned and pasted his signatures on at least 17 letters of transfer instruction to the bank

Suboh had earlier claimed during the examination-in-chief by the prosecution that he had signed all those letters.

However, during the cross-examination, Suboh changed tuned and agreed to lead defence counsel Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Muhamad Abdullah’s contention that he would not have possibly signed all the letters as there were several scanned copies.

Suboh also replied with a firm “Yes” when Shafee put it to him that Nik Faisal had scanned his forged signatures on those letters of transfer instruction, claiming to the bank that Suboh had agreed to those transactions of money worth millions of ringgit.

Earlier, using a overhead projector screening, the defence team showed to the court on how Suboh’s signatures was scanned, copied and pasted on the bank documents using a transparent paper.

The defence showed that Suboh’s signatures appeared identical in 17 letters of transfer instruction involving 7 transactions between SRC International and Gandingan Mentari Sdn Bhd; 6 between Gandingan Mentari and Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd (IPSB); 3 between SRC International and Putra Perdana Construction; and 1 between SRC International official account number ending 650 and the company’s “secret” account number ending 736.

In April, AmBank Raja Chulan branch manager R Uma Devi testified that there were obvious irregularities with the signatures on several SRC International’s letters of transfer instruction.

The trial’s 21st witness testified before Judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali that the signatures that authorised several transactions millions of ringgit between various accounts of several companies, did not match.

Suboh also testified that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) never screened to him a comparative analysis of his signatures on the bank documents when he was interrogated during investigation by the anti-graft authority as how Najib’s defence team did today.

It raised suspicion that MACC had carried out a shoddy investigation merely to persecute Najib, who faces seven corruption charges pertaining to SRC International funds.

The charges were three each for CBT under Section 409 of the Penal Code and money laundering under Section 4 of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities (AMLA) Act 2001, and one for abuse of power under Section 23 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Act (MACC) 2009.

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