Yearly Archives: 2022

1MDB Siphoning By Shahrol and Cohorts, Not Najib, Senior Cop Testifies

In a significant turn of events, Senior Assistant Commissioner Rajagopal a/l Ramadass has identified four individuals responsible for siphoning off USD 1.367 billion from 1MDB, clearing former Prime Minister Najib of the charges leveled against him.

Malaysia’s YIM At The Forefront Of Innovation, Recognised Globally

Malaysia is emerging as a leader in innovation, earning recognition from international organizations and countries around the world. The Malaysian Innovation Foundation, or Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia is a key player in this success, fostering innovation and addressing social challenges through local technology and innovative solutions. In an interview during a media get-together recently, the CEO of YIM, Dr Sharmila Mohamed Salleh, shares insights into the foundation's role, achievements, future plans and its functions in the innovation ecosystem.

PENDAPAT | Berapakah Nilai Penghargaan Sebuah Legasi?

Rakyat gembira dengan rumah baru, tetapi Najib Razak sendirian di sebalik tirai besi. Namun demikian, legasi beliau tidak dapat diketepikan

“ABCs Not LGBTs”: Conflicts Over Race And Gender Escalate At Texas School Board Vote

School board elections in Round Rock, a rapidly growing and diverse Austin suburb, have become a blood sport. Parents are organizing political action committees, canvassing door-to-door, and engaging in online debate.

Boris Johnson Attempts Comeback As He Returns To Britain

Potential replacements for Prime Minister Liz Truss, who abruptly stepped down on Thursday after only six weeks in office, were embarking on a frantic weekend of lobbying to secure enough nominations to enter the leadership race before Monday's deadline.

GE15: Who Can Really Stabilise The Malaysian Economy?

Whichever party or coalition that wins in GE15, it has a massive task to get the country's economy back on track in the midst of the global economic downturn.

Adakah PKR Dan Pejuang Parti Politik Keluarga?

Parti politik PKR dan Pejuang umpama parti 'warisan' yang menidakkan keupayaan rakyat marhaen sebagai pemimpin utama. Adakah yang lain tidak layak sebab datang dari keluarga biasa?

FC In Review Stay On Najib’s 12-year Jail Sentence

Najib's case in Federal Court Review must allow Debate to go back and forth, the Last Word prevails on finality of closure!

Just In: Liz Truss To Step Down As PM

Liz Truss will be noted as the shortest reigning PM in the UK

Biar Betul! Geng MOSSAD Berkeliaran Di Malaysia

MOSSAD adalah kisah organisasi 'espionage' yang berada di serata dunia. Demi Israel, untuk Israel!

PRU15: Sebulan Lagi Untuk Dapatkan Kerajaan Baru

Penuh harapan kami bahawa keputusan PRU15 ini tidak akan membawa pada penukaran PM sebanyak tiga kali dalam satu penggal

Malaysians To Vote For New Government On 19 Nov

Nominations on 05 Nov and only two weeks of campaigning period allowed by EC

Food Price Increases Drive UK Inflation Back To 40-year High

The figures emphasised the difficult environment for British households, particularly those on low incomes, who face new uncertainties with the rise of inflation.

Liz Truss Apologises For Economic Plan As Spending Cuts On The Way

After blaming the markets and "global headwinds" for investors fleeing the pound and government bonds for weeks, Truss apologised for going "too far and too fast" with her radical economic plan to jolt Britain out of years of stagnant growth.