Pulangkan Najib Participants Remind All Of His Contributions To The Nation

Participants at the peaceful Pulangkan Najib rally were all in one mind: Najib should never have been jailed as he was denied justice and his contributions to the nation benefitted all strata of society, particularly the youths in the universities

KUALA LUMPUR – Saturday’s Pulangkan Najib (Release Najib) peaceful rally showed that without a doubt, young or elderly alike, supporters of former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak are of the opinion that he was wrongfully charged and jailed and that no Prime Minister that succeeded him had as much concern for the people as he did during his terms of office.

A law student from UKM, Hazid Iman said he carried the placard with the words Right To Be Heard and To A Fair Trial as he believed that what he is doing will push for the implementation of those rights in a transparent and fair manner so that justice can be served.

Hazid Iman Pulangkan Najib 3

“I was at the Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque on 21 October to state my solidarity with the citizens of Palestine as well as to urge for the return of Datuk Seri Najib Razak to his family and the citizens.

“Yes, I believe that Datuk Seri (Najib) was not given ample opportunity to present his defence and present new evidence during the SRC International trial, and he was sentenced to jail without having the benefit of a counsel as his lawyer then, Hisyam Teh Poh Teik, had earlier applied to withdraw as counsel, but was not accepted by Chief Justice Tunku Maimun who was presiding over the case,” the 21 year old student added.

Asked what would be the first thing he would say to Najib once the latter is released and he gets a chance to meet him, Hazid said he would ask the former Premier to help bring the glory days of the country back to the time when he was the sixth PM, especially all those benefits he had extended to the university students and youths then.

Pulangkan Najib Much Needed

“And that is why Pulangkan Najib is a much needed call as not only his family needs him, but the country can benefit from his mentorship, especially in economic management,” said Hazid.

Also present at the mosque area and joining in the rally was academician Dr Joyce Leu from Subang.

Joyce said that she joined the crowd to show her support for DSN (Najib) and to plead with the King, calling for his pardon and release.

She was also of the opinion that Najib was not given a fair trial in his court cases, and she truly believed in his innocence, said Joyce who has oftentimes been seen at the court during Najib’s trials as a show of support to the former leader.

A Good Leader

“DSN is a good leader and we should not let him face the challenges on his own.

Dr Joyce Leu Court 4

“Yes, I am very convinced that Najib is innocent and if the judges had accepted the new evidence he wanted to present to defend his case, then he would not be in jail right now,” she added.

When asked whether she felt awkward, being a non-Malay in a majority Malay gathering and within the vicinity of a mosque, she said she did not feel awkward at all as she was with Malay friends with a similar political stand as hers.

For 70-year old Shehah Mansor, she strongly believes that Najib deserves justice.

Shehah Mansor Pulangkan Najib 3

“He is not guilty. Those who were behind the 1MDB scandal have either left the country or chose to be witnesses of the prosecution.

“Where is the fairness and justice of it all? When we see all these happening, we can’t just close our eyes and ears,” said this retired UiTM lecturer.

“Najib is innocent and I will try my best to educate those who do not understand the unfairness of the trial proceedings and thinks he is guilty.


“Yes, I have sometimes been ostracised by my friends who are non-supporters of Najib. But as I am convinced of his innocence, I feel it is my responsibility as a Muslim to convince them of his innocence,” said this tourist guide volunteer at Masjid Negeri Shah Alam.

She added that she joined the rally not only to plead for Najib’s release but to support the Palestinian cause as they have been suffering the genocide perpetrated on them for the last 75 years. – NMH

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Hasnah Rahman
Datin Hasnah is the co-founder and CEO of New Malaysia Herald based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With an extensive background in mass communication and journalism, she works on building up New Malaysia Herald and it's partner sites. A tireless and passionate evangalist, she champions autism studies and support groups. Datin Hasnah is also the Editor in Chief of New Malaysia Herald.

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