In Malaysia, factors such as strong familial and community ties, religious and cultural prohibitions, lower homicide rates compared to other Southeast Asian countries, and strict firearm regulations are frequently cited as societal deterrents. Perhaps that's why serial killers are few and far between here, writes Dr Haezreena Begum, a Criminologist and Senior Lecturer from Universiti Malaya
Pertempuran undang-undang 1MDB berakhir dengan kos guaman yang signifikan diberikan kepada Riza Aziz selepas perbicaraan panjang yang menonjolkan litigasi yang tidak perlu dan perbelanjaan dana awam yang besar.
"It goes without saying that both Judge Mohd Nazlan’s police report and the report made against him must be given equivalent investigations" - Former...
Should The Judiciary Be Spared?
From Wong Jae Senn
Independence of the judiciary does not mean that judges are immune from criminal investigations to determine if...
Laungan "Bubar Parlimen" berkumandang di udara sebaik sahaja perdana menteri Ismail Sabri tiba di BN Command Centre di Johor Baru. Kebetulan BN telah memenangi...
Rakyat sudah muak dengan cerita ulangan yang tiada manfaat bagi mereka.
Assalamualaikum wbt Tun. Semoga Tun tenang bersama keluarga tersayang dan diberi kesempatan untuk menerima...