Tag: Arabic

Adendum: Walaupun Ada Ancaman Sekatan Bersuara, Rakyat Terus Berbunyi

Ancaman perintah sekatan bersuara terhadap Adendum Diraja yang diarahkan oleh hakim untuk kerajaan memohon secara rasmi pada hari Isnin, 20 Januari, telah mencetuskan perdebatan meluas. Pelbagai kiriman sarkastik telah membanjiri media sosial, dengan sesetengah melihatnya sebagai penjelasan prerogatif diraja, ada yang berkata mengenai sekatan hak bersuara, manakala yang lain melihatnya sebagai ancaman kepada kebebasan kehakiman.

Addendum: Despite Gag Order Threat, The People Continue To Speak Up

The laughable threat of a gag order on the Royal Addendum, which the judge has directed the government to formally apply for by Monday, 20 January, has sparked widespread debate. Memes and sarcastic posts have flooded social media, with some viewing it as a clarification of the royal prerogative, while others see it as a potential threat to judicial independence.

Israel Legally Stealing Land From Palestinian Defies Solution

Israel, despite law of conquest based on unprovoked war, returned Sinai peninsula to Egypt and left buffer zone in southern Lebanon but allegedly denies Palestinian!

Christmas Time For Reflection On Solution For Old Free Palestine

Christmas, or no Christmas, there must be solution in the Biblical Holy Land, declared Palestine by the Roman Empire in thwarting Israel, for the Way Forward!

Hamas Has No Place, Declares America’s Kamala Harris

US Vice President Kamala Devi Harris (Kamala Harris), sketching America's post-7 October vision for the 2nd rump state of Palestine, said that Hamas would have no place in any new civilian administration in the Gaza Strip!

Philistinian Before Old Free Palestine Mirrors Fate Of Palestinian

The Palestinian in Old Free Palestine, the Hebrew and Aramaic speaking people declared by the Roman Empire in the Biblical Holy Land, having Jewish character, escapes the fate of the Arabic-speaking post-1948 Palestinian who may end up like the Philistinian in history!

Jew Can Unite Old Free Palestine Under Language And Culture

Jew can no longer out-compete the others if everyone in the Biblical Holy Land habitually speaks Hebrew, and adopts Jewish culture as well, along with their original culture, literature, customs, traditions, rituals, attire, and local food!

China Alienates Israel And America On Free Palestine Dream

Israel and India at the same time may draw closer than ever before on the Biblical Holy Land, based purely on the rule of law and bound by common values, as China signals that it can't be with the Jewish state for peace in the Middle East!

Saudi Arabia Nod For Israel Risks Palestine Dream

Saudi Arabia can put in caveats before recognising Israel and exchanging diplomats, and forging full business and other ties!

Israel No Hearts And Minds On Hamas In Gaza Strip

Netanyahu and Israel must be dragged before an International War Crimes Tribunal to be convened by the UN at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague

Old Palestine Finds Way Forward For Islam In Jerusalem

Hebrew, Arabic and English can be retained as official languages in Old Palestine, the territory that existed before 1948 with Jordan, and culture can be one or separate.

Israel-Hamas Rivers Of Blood Driven By Paranoia

If anything has beginning, it will have end, things may get whole lot worse in the Biblical Holy Land before Israel-Hamas 'eye for an eye' leaves many people blind!

Palestine Should Be Administered By UN Under International Mandate

So far, since 1948 when Israel emerged based on binding UN Security Council and UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolutions, the international community has been...

Since Bahasa Melayu Is The Language Of Love, Speak On

By Yuktes Vijay This is the last part of the story of Bahasa Melayu, our national language. In essence, the previous two articles (here and...