Tag: PKR

Adendum: Walaupun Ada Ancaman Sekatan Bersuara, Rakyat Terus Berbunyi

Ancaman perintah sekatan bersuara terhadap Adendum Diraja yang diarahkan oleh hakim untuk kerajaan memohon secara rasmi pada hari Isnin, 20 Januari, telah mencetuskan perdebatan meluas. Pelbagai kiriman sarkastik telah membanjiri media sosial, dengan sesetengah melihatnya sebagai penjelasan prerogatif diraja, ada yang berkata mengenai sekatan hak bersuara, manakala yang lain melihatnya sebagai ancaman kepada kebebasan kehakiman.

Addendum: Despite Gag Order Threat, The People Continue To Speak Up

The laughable threat of a gag order on the Royal Addendum, which the judge has directed the government to formally apply for by Monday, 20 January, has sparked widespread debate. Memes and sarcastic posts have flooded social media, with some viewing it as a clarification of the royal prerogative, while others see it as a potential threat to judicial independence.

Najib Unfinished Business For Agong In Last Innings

Agong may free former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak from 'arbitrary detention' in the last week of January 2024!

Umno Rock Solid Future With Pakatan Harapan And Allies

Politics being numbers game remains increasingly less affected by the Malay vote bank, as Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) live and fight another day, away from ethnic-based parties!

Anwar Ibrahim Woos Malay And Opposition In Parliament

If Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has his way, the Bersatu Party for one may be politically buried long before the leaders in court are fined and jailed, and jailed further in default on the fines!

Anwar ‘caves in’ on Cabinet reshuffle and Role for Najib

Anwar 'caves in' on Cabinet reshuffle and Role for Najib . . . Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) demanding major Cabinet reshuffle and Pardon for...

Nurul vs Nurul: Adakah ‘Fenomena’ Politik Ini Bakal Terjadi?

Mempunyai watak kepimpinan yang diwarisi daripada bapa mereka, adakah 'Nurul VS Nurul' bakal menjadi kenyataan pada PRU15?

Adakah PKR Dan Pejuang Parti Politik Keluarga?

Parti politik PKR dan Pejuang umpama parti 'warisan' yang menidakkan keupayaan rakyat marhaen sebagai pemimpin utama. Adakah yang lain tidak layak sebab datang dari keluarga biasa?

Trolls, Cybertroopers And The Hydra

Facebook recently warned of the existence and proliferation of cybertroopers and trolls in Malaysia, and managed to stifle the growth. But these are the...

In Run-Up To GE15, Politicians Turn To TikTok

The short-form video sharing app, TikTok, is the most downloaded app early this year, making politicians scramble to get on the bandwagon Some five years ago...

PKR’s 16th National Congress Begins Today

The three-day event with the theme 'Menjulang Keadilan' (Upholding Justice) ends this Sunday (17 July) SHAH ALAM - The three-day Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) 16th...

Opposition Quake In Fear Amidst Talks Of Early Polls

The opposition are fearful of the Najib factor which defeated them in Melaka and Johor elections, so now they accuse him and Zahid of...

Najib-Anwar ‘Cooperation’ Takes Cue From Marcos-Duterte Landslide

Non-Malay for Anwar, Najib has Malay seats, Sabah-Sarawak up for grabs to seize reins of power! ‘Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable...

LETTER | Najib-Anwar Debate Could Be A MATIC Move?

The MATIC Move could be the start of a realistic attempt to displace Anwar from being the Numero Uno of PKR and PH eventually From...