MACC Should Reopen Probe On Guan Eng’s Bungalow-gate Scandal

The Penang MIC has called on Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to reopen the investigation on DAP leader Lim Guan Eng’s Bungalow-gate scandal.

Chairman M. Nyanasegaran said the argument by MACC Chief Commissioner Latheefa Koya that the anti-graft body can’t reopen the case given to a court decision “was off the mark”.

He said the fact was that the court acquitted Guan Eng after three weeks into the trial when then newly appointed Attorney-General Tommy Thomas withdrew the charges.

Tommy, widely regarded as a political appointee chosen by DAP, has told the court that the prosecution has decided to discontinue the case, a decision that did not go down well with the MACC.

“Thus the court never made any decision on the case after a fully completed trial

“It can be reopened and those involved can still be charged,” insisted Nyanasegaran, also MIC’s central working committee member.

Current Finance Minister and former Penang Chief Minister Guan Eng was acquitted on Monday, September 3, 2018, by the Penang High Court.

He was acquitted along with businesswoman Phang Li Khoon, after the prosecution asked for a discharge not amounting to an acquittal.

MACC arrested Guan and Phang in 2016.

Guan Eng was charged with two counts of abusing his position in approving a land deal and in the purchase of a bungalow in Jalan Pinhorn, George Town City, at below-market price.

The MACC then has expressed “very surprised” by the court decision to free Guan Eng and Phang.

The commission pinpointed that it was Tommy Thomas decision, not MACC’s, to drop the case.

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